ruminators' ilk

faculty development, educational technologies, intellectual curieux, info provocations


Faculty Development News This Week:

Building Community

--“The Recovery of Persons”

This article, from The League for Innovation, February 2004, considers the importance of people resources in any organization.

The Recover of Persons

Open Source

--Open Access Academic Publishing

This article argues academic publishing will evolve from imprints to E-prints.

Open Access Publishing


--Using Wikis to Teach College Writing

How to incorporate wikis in the college classroom.

Using Wikis to Teach College Writing

--Teaching Wiki

Tutorial on how to use wikis and start a wiki of your own.

Teaching Wiki

Technology and Learning

--Technology and Mediated Learning Resource

Technology and Mediated Learning


--"Blog, Blog, Blog: The Navy Tests Web Logging for Team Communication"

This article is from Science Daily News, 31 December 2003.

Blog,Blog, Blog....

--"Using Newsblogs to Get the Word Out...Now!"

Blogs for newsletters.

Using Newsblogs

This is a 3-page PDF file.

--"The Corporate Blog is Catching On

Blogs in the business world.

The Corporate Blog...

This is from The New York Times, 22 June 2003

Multi- Media Applications

--Hydrogen Audio

This site is a "forum for MP3 and audio compression technologies. Hosts
discussions, price comparisons, and polls of interest to audio
technology enthusiasts. The FAQ provides navigation to discussion
of topics such vinyl and CD comparison, sound card reviews, and
digital rights issues."

Hydrogen Audio

This annotation acquired from New This Week (2/26)

--Videography for Educators

Video production for instructors and students.

Videography for Educators

--Nuts and Bolts: How to Produce a Video

Video production basics.

Nuts and Bolts: How to Produce a Video

--Pedagogical and Instructional Delivery Strategies

This document, acquired form Northern Illinois University, Faculty Development, focuses on constructivist pedagogy and active learning.

Pedagogical and Instructional Delivery Strategies

This is a 50-page PDF file.


--How Students Learn

Again, this document comes for Northern Illinois University, Faculty Development.

Strategies for Increasing Student Learning and Motivation

This is a 24-page PDF document.


--"Teaching Inclusively"

This document, again, courtesy of Northern Illinois University, Faculty Development, suggests ways to ensure all students succeed, with special emphasis on interacting with persons who have disabilities.

Teaching Inclusively

This is a 15-page PDF document.


Libraries / Knowledge Management

--Reader Privacy

This site is a "nationwide effort to obtain one million signatures in
support of legislation to amend Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT
Act. The groups hope to persuade Congress to restore safeguards
for the privacy of bookstore and library records that were
eliminated by the Act."


This annotation acquired from New This Week LISRSERV, 26 February 2004.

--The Informed Librarian

The Informed Librarian Online is a monthly compilation of the most recent tables of contents from over a million titles, a valuable domestic and foreign library, and information-related journals, e-journals, magazines, e-magazines, newsletters and e-newsletters.

The Informed Librarian


--Suicide Prevention / Depression

This Web site, created by parents of a student who committted suicide, offers support for students suffering from depression and other illnesses that can lead to suicide.



Athletics / Sports

--National Institute For Sports Reform(NISR)

This organization’s site wants to educate the public about safe and
healthy sports activities; stop the abuse of athletes; and develop
resources for those studying or interested in sports reform. The
site includes the American Sports Culture Misery Index (questions
about "how you presently feel about the state of sports in our
country"), a FAQ section about sports reform, a bibliography, interviews
with sports reformers, and links to sports sites.


--Women’s Sports Foundation

This searchable site includes information on women's sports and
fitness, athletes, Title IX, sports psychology, and related

Women’s Sports

Blog Grab Bag

--Primary Research Resource: Sample Calculator

This is a nifty tool for survey design and sample sizes.

Survey System

--Online Resources for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies From the Cuban
Heritage Collection

The purpose of this site is "to provide a central access point to research
materials held by the Cuban Heritage Collection as well as act as
a gateway to other research tools for Cuban and Cuban American
studies. On this site you will find finding aids to all of our
archival collections."

Cuban and Cuban-American Studies

--Leap Year

Can you explain what leap year is?

This site provides easy-to-understand scientific background
information on the concept of a leap year.

Leap Year


Located at Ohio State University, this site is "for history fans, enthusiasts and students," includes "over 130,000 pages of historical content; 5,300 timeline events; 800 battle outlines; 350 biographies; and thousands of images and maps."


This annotation acquired from Marlaine Block, Neat New Stuff LISTSERV

--Library and Archival Exhibitions on the Web

A site you could easily spend hours browsing. Exhibitions are browsable and searchable by title, sponsoring institution, and keyword.

Library and Archival Exhibitions

This annotation acquired from Neat New Stuf LISTSERVf


Hajj is "the Fifth Pillar of Islam and the annual pilgrimage to
Mecca to be performed by able Muslims at least once in their lifetime."


This annotation was acquired from New This Week LISRSERV , 26 February 2004.

--The Writing Instructor

This is a networked journal for college writing teachers

The Writing Instructor

--Accessibility in Distance Education

The Accessibility in Distance Education (ADE) Web site” focuses on helping faculty develop accessible online learning materials for people with disabilities. It is divided into five major sections, targeting common accessibility questions.”

Accessibility in Distance Education


Mathematical play, using bits and pieces.


--National Institute of Health LISTSERV

"Each week (usually on Friday afternoon), the NIH transmits an e-mail with Table of Contents (TOC) information for that week's issue of the NIH Guide, via the NIH LISTSERV."


LISTSERV for National Institute of Health

Until next week!

Blog editor

NOTE: RUMINATORS' ILK will resume after spring break. The next edition will be March


Faculty Development News This Week:

--Using Wikis to Teach College Writing

Using Wikis to Teach College Writing

--Teaching Wiki

Teaching Wiki

--The Writing Instructor

Networked journal for college writing teachers

The Writing Instructor

--Technology and Mediated Learning Resource

Technology and Mediated Learning

--"Blog, Blog, Blog: The Navy Tests Web Logging for Team Communication"

This is from Science Daily News, 31 December 2003

Blog,Blog, Blog....

--"Using Newsblogs to Get the Word Out...Now!"

Using Newsblogs

This is a 3-page PDF file.

--"The Corporate Blog is Catching On

The Corporate Blog...

This is from The New York Times, 22 June 2003

--Videography for Educators

Videography for Educators

--Nuts and Bolts: How to Produce a Video

Nuts and Bolts: How to Produce a Video

--Pedagogical and Instructional Delivery Strategies

This document, acquired form Northern Illinois University, Faculty Development, focues on constructivist pedagogy and active learning.

Pedagogical and Instructional Delivery Strategies

This is a 50-page PDF file.


--How Students Learn

Again, this document comes for Northern Illinois University, Faculty Development.

Strategies for Increasing Student Learning and Morivation

This is a 24-page PDF document.


--"Teaching Inclusively"

This document, again, courtesy of Northern Illinois University, Faculty Development, suggests ways to insure all students succeed, with special emphasis on
interacting with persons who have disabilities.

Teaching Inclusively

This is a 15-page PDF dcument.



Faculty Development News This Week:

Inver Hills TLTR Showcase

The TLTR Showcase, sponsored by the campus TLTR Committee, will feature faculty and staff demonstrations of learning technology applications and projects. The event is an excellent opportunity to see effective integration of technology and the curriculum at Inver Hills. All faculty, staff and students welcome.

The TLTR Showcase is scheduled for Tuesday, April 27, 11:30 AM- 2:00 PM. Here is a listing of the showcase topics planned so far:

Digital Photography online course and skills
Streaming media
Graphing data activities
Scientific data collection
Map making
Screen capture videos using Camtasia
Media equipment available
Macromedia Breeze
Using Word Macros
Library databases and breadth of use
Electronic course packs of database articles
PowerPoint as a mind tool
Business Plan Pro
Off-campus Access Options

The committee welcomes your participation in the showcase as well as your suggestions. For further information, contact Mark Peterson or James Deacon. You can also send your ideas to

Open Source

--"The Next Wave: Liberation Technology"

This article is from The Chronicle Review, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 30 January 2004.

Liberation Technology.

This is a 10 -page PDF file.

Online Education

--Assessing Online Education

This article discusses an assessment method at MIT for gauging pedagogical effectiveness in online courses, based on media, learning models, and interactivity.

...New Methodology for Evaluation...

--How to Achieve Flow in Online Instruction

This article is from E-Learn Magazine.

Instructional Design for Flow in Online Learning

--Using Online Portfolios

This paper was delivered at the 10th Annual Distance Education Conference, January 2003.

Using Online Portfolios

This is a 9-page PDF file.

--Expanding Access to Learning: The Role of Virtual Universities

This document examines statewide online education ventures.

Read an excerpt from the Preface:

"Almost every state in the United States is engaged in some kind of virtual university effort. Plans for these new organizations tend to emphasize the need to establish a postsecondary educational system that is accessible, efficient, and responsive to the needs of citizens and economic stakeholders; to create educational opportunities that can be delivered to new populations of potential students; to minimize costs; and to enable students to continue to work while attending college, as the following excerpt from the Kentucky Virtual University (KYVU) home page exemplifies...."

Read more:

Expanding Access to Learning

You can download a PDF version of this report.

--Best Practices for Electronically Offered Degree and Certificate Programs

This document provides assistance in planning and assessment of online degree and certificate programs.

Best Practices

This is a 16-page PDF file.

--Students' vs. Teachers' Views of Online Instruction

Read an excerpt from the study:

"Our study investigates how students and their teacher experienced an online course. We were interested if both parties perceived similar advantages and disadvantages in online learning. An online course at Jönköping International Business School, JIBS, was scrutinized from different perspectives. The course chosen for investigation was Business English Online (BUENGON 1), which was running for the second time since autumn 2001. The platform used was the school’s intranet called JIBSNet, developed to handle administration of all the courses, and to provide some facilities for communication between teachers and students. "

For the full report:

Attitudes Toward E-Learning

I acquired this source from Online Learning Update

Community / Service Learning

--Online Voluteering

Service learning and community service online? Read on.

This site is affiliated with the United Nations.


Online Volunteering

--The Orion Project: Connecting a Community

Read the abstract for this paper:

"Certainly, the computer and the internet have opened up opportunities and stimulated unprecedented growth. However, even after the turn of a new century, the Digital Divide has not yet closed and sectors of people are still excluded from enjoying the opportunities and growth that now exist. El Paso Community College, in collaboration with El Paso Independent School District and the University of Texas at El Paso, have begun work to bring together all of El Paso’s independent networks into a single high-speed community network that provides online access and delivery of K-Gray education. This newly created Orion Ring Project has identified specific objectives such as delivering dual-credit enrollment classes to high school students and mentoring first-year teachers and education students in the field in order to stem high attrition rates. The next phase will involve adding other networks, such as the UTEP Internet 2 link, to the Orion Ring."

Orion Project


Instructional Design

--Case Study Resources for the Classroom

This site provides case study offerings in business; international business; international affairs; instructional design; legal cases; public policy; and science.

Case Study Resources

--Effective--and Ineffective--Instructional Strategies

This article is from Learning Circuits, whose mission is "to promote and aid the use of e-learning, creating a body of knowledge about how to use technology efficiently and effectively for learning. It delivers a fully interactive Website with discussions, demos and resources, and articles on a weekly basis. A bi-weekly opt-in email newsletter, LC Express, sends news, teasers, and links to subscribers. There are nearly 500 articles currently on the Website. " Learning Circuits is subscription based, although there is free material available on the site.

To read the article:

Effective--and Ineffective--Instructional Strategies

--IDEAS: Instructional Design for E-Learning Approaches


--Flash Tutorials

Interested in learning Flash applications for your courses? Look at this tutorial resource.

Flash Tutorials


Blog Grab Bag

--Principles of Clinical Pharmacology

"This interactive learning object will help students learn about the therapeutic
principles of pharmacology."

Principles of Clinical Pharmacology

--"HyperPhysics Relativity

"A hyperlinked exploration of relativity, including topics in both special and general relativity. "

Hyper Physics

--Astronomical Data and Trigonometric Functions

"This site contains material ... to help motivate the study of trigonometry. It can be used as either lecture material or it can be assigned to one or a group of students as a project. It shows that the plotting of some simple astronomical data - length of daylight vs. day of the year - is closely related to the graph of a standard sinusoidal function. "

Astronomical Data

--Chinese the Easy Way

I thought the Cyrillic alphabet was a killer, until I attempted to learn Mandarin Chinese.

This site claims to make learning Chinese manageable. Read the promo:

"This website consists of streaming audios that are designed to be used in conjunction with and as a supplement to the Chinese language textbook, Chinese The Easy Way, co-authored by Philip F.C. Williams and Yenna Wu and published by the Barron’s Educational Series."

Chinese the Easy Way

--Bach Harmonics

"This applet notates a user specified harmonic progression, according to all the rules of four-part harmony writing. Users have the ability to transpose the result into any key."

Bach Harmonics

--Osmosis Simulation

"A Physlet-based simulation of particle osmosis through a permeable membrane. The motion of atoms is shown and the permeability of the membrane can be varied."

Osmosis Simulation

This site aims to provide "a comprehensive, uniform, and useful compilation of links to freely accessible on-line sources of law for the United States and Canada."


This site acquired fromLII list serve

--Jesus: Real to Reel

Created by two theology instructors, this site provides a "bibliography and Web resources for religion/theology and film." It "has been set up to collect into one place resources for studying the historical Jesus through modern cinematic presentations of Jesus' life and teachings."

Jesus: Real to Reel

This site acquired from Lii List Serve.

Until next week!

Blog editor


Faculty Development News This Week:


Faculty Development News This Week :

Faculty Development Classes / Resources

--Making the Virtual Classroom a Reality (MVRC)

The MVCR series of online faculty development courses is designed to help faculty members acquire skills and knowledge needed to teach online. Fee-based instruction.

To find out more:

--Professional Development Resources

You can access a digital library at this site.

Online and Distance Learning Services

Learning Technology

--10 IT Goals for Liberal Arts Students

This article is from George Mason University.

10 IT Goals

--Learning Technology Events Matrix

Handy compilation of events from the Learning Technology Standards Committee of IEEE:

Learning Technology Events Matrix

--"Implementing the Seven Principles: Technology as Lever"

This article is from the AAHE Bulletin, the American Association of Higher Education.

Implementing the Seven Principles


--Personalizing Pedagogy

Read the introduction to the resources in this link:

"There are many kinds of good teaching and good teachers -- just as there are many kinds of learners and learning. New applications of technology have made it possible to respond to different learning needs more realistically and intentionally. Now it is also becoming possible to enable faculty to improve teaching and learning in different ways. Information technology offers new options for matching diverse needs with diverse gifts."


Personalizing Pedagogy

--"Using E-mail as a Research Tool"

This article is from Social Research Update,Department pf Sociology, University of Surrey, United Kingdom.

Using E-mail as a Research Tool

--Teaching Well in the Diverse/Multicultural Classroom"

This article is from the AAHE Bulletin.

Teaching Well in the Diverse,/Multicultural Classroom

--Critical Thinking: What It Is And Why It Counts"

This article is a 16-page PDF file.

Critical Thinking

Online Learning

--Learning Networks Effectiveness Research(LNER)

"Sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, this research program aims to increase the quality, quantity, and dissemination of results of research on the effectiveness of Asynchronous Learning Network (ALN)."

Registration required in order to access articles. This service is free.


--"Integrating Critical Thinking into Online Classes"

This article is from the USDLA Journal, United States Distance Learning Association,

Integrating Critical Thinking...Classes

--Virtual Learning References


Virtual Learning References

--Online Learning Update

This blog is edited by Ray Schroeder, University of Illinois, Springfield and focuses on electronic learning news and research.

Online Learning Update

--Developing E-Learning Content

This is a treasure trove of resources for online learning. Although the site is Australian, the material is applicable and adaptable.

Developing E-Learning Content

--Training Cafe

Macromedia sponsors Training Cafe to provide resources for educators. Special section for higher education

Training Cafe

--The Importance of E-mail in Online Instruction

This article is from Syllabus.

Personalizing Pedagogy with E-mail

Open Source

--Advantages of Working Publicly or Privately

This is from Minciu Sodas, a co-creative think-tank founded by Andrius Kulikauskas. The debate is open-source vs. closed source.

Public vs. Private Work

Game Theory and Online Learning

--Exploratory Learning Through Simulation and Games

This blog hails from the Educational Technology Department at San Diego State University.

Exploratory Learning

--Video Game Theory: is an online resource for academic videogame researchers.

Blog Grab Bag

--Better Search Results Than Google?

Remember the blog posting on Grokker software, the "future of search"?
Here is more information on this search software from

Better...Than Google?

--What is a Metrosexual?

This is from Although this site is subscription based, you can acquire a free day pass to read the article.

Metro Daddy Speaks

"Partnering with Students to Avoid Cut and Paste Plagiarism"

Read the introduction to this article from the E-journal Low Threshold Applications.

"According to the Center for Academic Integrity, Internet based “cut and paste” plagiarism, (hereafter referred to as “C&PP”) is on the rise...."

What to do?

Partnering with Students

--Curb Cut Learning

Disability and user-access issues in distance education.

Curb Cut Learning

--Link for Cell Biology Animation

"If you can tear your eyes away from the mesmerizing graphics on the main page, you'll find a very detailed and comprehensive cell biology tutorial created by graphic artist/biologist John Kyrk. Kyrk's animations demonstrate all major aspects of cell biology: amino acid structure, DNA replication, transcription and translation, cellular cycles (Krebs, glycolysis, mitosis), photosynthesis, and so on. The tutorial's beautiful graphics and cool animations should make studying cell biology relatively painless for any student." (From The NSDL Scout Report for the Life Sciences )

Cell Biology Animation This site requires MicromediaFlash.

--Equal Access to Software and Information (EASI)

This site provides assistance in removing barriers to information and education technology for people with disabilities.


Until next week!

Blog editor


Faculty Development News This Week:

Faculty Development at Inver Hills

--Faculty Roundtable

Have you been thinking about developing an online course? Are you wondering about the on-line experiences of other faculty members at Inver Hills? This session brings together three Inver Hills faculty members who have been teaching online courses for varying lengths of time. There will be short presentations and an opportunity for discussion.

You are invited to a roundtable:



Peter Beurskens

Jim Brothen

Shannon Marting

Wednesday February 11

12 noon-1 PM

College Center, Conference Room A

Sponsored by the Faculty Development Committee.

Conferences / Seminars

National Science Foundation, Short Courses for College Teachers

The National Science Foundation's Short Courses for College Teachers 2004 schedule is now available at Short Courses, or you can look at brochure in Shannon Marting's office (HH303a).

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with this program, this program is designed as an annual series of forums in which scholars at the frontiers of various sciences meet intensively for several days with undergraduate college teachers. The program is nice because it is relatively inexpensive (you are usually responsible for airfare and hotel but there are generally no conference or tuition fees) and you can find some wonderful opportunities in some interesting places.

It might be a possible way to use you faculty development funds.

Online Education


H-Net is an “international interdisciplinary organization of scholars and teachers dedicated to developing the enormous educational potential of the Internet and the World Wide Web. {The} edited lists and web sites publish peer reviewed essays, multimedia materials, and discussion for colleagues and the interested public. The computing heart of H-Net resides atMatrix: The Center for Humane Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences Online, Michigan State University, but H-Net officers, editors and subscribers come from all over the globe.”

Check it out:


Service Learning
--The Community College National Center for Community Engagement

The League for Innovation and the Community College National Center for Community Engagement are hosting a second "Homeland Security and Civic
Engagement Summit" to "help community colleges create and improve homeland
security training and education programs that emphasize community engagement. The 2004 Summit offers research and theories, strategies, and tips and techniques for connecting homeland security academic curriculum to civic engagement. Participants from all disciplines are encouraged to attend.

Examples of how community colleges can address issues of homeland security,
service learning, and civic engagement include:

* History professors collaborating with civics or government professors
on projects that address democracy and deliberation;

* Geography professors addressing cultural awareness and civic

* Counseling or psychology professors addressing critical incident stress

* Allied health professors addressing global infectious diseases and
public awareness;

* Business and political science professors addressing economic impacts
of natural disasters;

* Communication professors addressing identity theft and safety

* Computer information systems professors partnering with community-based
organizations to address cyber security;

* Biology or chemistry professors addressing bioterrorism;

* Student services volunteer programs addressing home safety; and

* EMT or fire science professors addressing first responder programming
in their community. "

The "Homeland Security and Civic Engagement Summit" will be held on Sunday,
February 29, 2004, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the San Francisco Hilton. There is no charge for this summit meeting.

For more information:


--Echoing Green

“Launched in 1987, Echoing Green's mission is to spark social change by identifying, investing and supporting the world's most exceptional emerging leaders and the organizations they launch. Through a two-year fellowship program, we help our network of visionaries develop new solutions to society’s most difficult problems. These social entrepreneurs and their organizations work to close deeply-rooted social, economic and political inequities to ensure equal access and to help all individuals reach his/her potential. Over the past 16 years, Echoing Green has invested $21 million in seed and start up grants to over 370 social entrepreneurs and their innovative organizations.”

Echoing Green

Web Utilities

--Java Script Kit

JavaScript objects can be embedded into your Web pages to add interest and interactivity to your creations. There are several free sites available from which you can source interesting tools and objects.

Take a look:

Java Script Kit

--Orkut: Social Networks

What in the world is an Orkut? Orkut is one more example of the new
social networks (also called online communities) such asPlaxo and Friendster. You can use Orkut to create a professional community (such as faculty development at a college), or use Orkut to meet up with friends, business connections, or people with similar interests.

To find out more:



Blizg is a blog index that focuses on metadata. Here is what the creators of Blizg have to say: “We want to promote the use of metadata in the blogging community. We're also excited about finding new ways to use metadata that will create useful connections between and among blogs."

Find out more:

Blog Grab Bag

--Bach Digital Autographs

By autographs, is meant the composer's hand-written music.” The
site features information about and images of selected Bach autographs, pictures and audio examples of five instruments from Bach's time (trumpet, violoncello piccolo, echo flutes, organ, and lute), and a search engine that makes it” possible for the first time to make Bach exhibits from several institutions available world-wide via the Internet."

In English and German.

Bach Digital

"This site deserves to be browsed at length, since many of its most intriguing features (virtual tour of the universe, interviews with authors of books on space, downloadable wallpapers and screensavers, program schedules for US planetariums, the Space TV Archive, etc.) are not visible from the navigation menus."


--Teaching the Holocaust

--Teaching the Holocaust

This conference, offered in conjunction with Yad Vashem's 50th anniversary, will take place in Jerusalem, Israel, August 8-11, 2004. "Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority, was established in 1953 by an act of the Israeli Knesset. Since its inception, Yad Vashem has been entrusted with documenting the history of the Jewish people during the Holocaust period, preserving the memory and story of each of the six million victims, and imparting the legacy of the Holocaust for generations to come through its archives, library, school, museums and recognition of the 'Righteous Among the Nations'."

For more information about the conference:

Teaching the Holocaust

--ESL Study Hall

ESL Study Hall is a George Washington University Web site that offers help with English as a second language (ESL).

ESL Study Hall

--Conversations with History

“In these lively and unedited interviews, distinguished men and women from all over the world talk about their lives and their work. They reminisce about their participation in great events, and they share their perspectives on the past and reflect on what the future may hold. Guests include diplomats, statesmen, and soldiers; economists and political analysts; scientists and historians; writers and foreign correspondents; activists and artists. The interviews span the globe and include discussion of political, economic, military, legal, cultural, and social issues shaping our world. At the heart of each interview is a focus on individuals and ideas that make a difference.”

This project is from The Institute of International Studies, University of California at Berkeley.

--The Center for Documentary Studies

The Center for Documentary Studies, founded in 1989 at Duke University, stands at a crossroads where the university meets the larger community. The Center is dedicated to a new vision of documentary work, one that connects the documentary process to education and community building. Duke University's CDS is a resource center for documentary education at all levels using photography, oral history, and written narrative. The site offers curriculum ideas and projects for literacy through photography. CDS sponsors the Bridges Programs to connect diverse peoples and communities through photography, creative writing, oral history, narrative, biography, and video as tools for education and community building.”

Check it out:

Center for Documentary Studies

--The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution (OJPCR)

The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution is intended as "a resource for students, teachers and practitioners in fields relating to the reduction and elimination of conflict. It desires to be a valuable source of information to aid anyone trying to work toward a less violent and more cooperative world." OJPCR is published by the Tabula Rasa Institute.

Peace and Conflict Resolution

--Migrations: The Photographs of Sebastiao Salgado

“Concerned by the millions of refugees, migrants, displaced persons and those struggling to hold onto the little that they have, Brazilian Sebastião Salgado photographed in forty-one countries over six and one half years. Why? ‘My hope is that, as individuals, as groups, as societies, we can pause and reflect on the human condition at the turn of the millennium," he writes. "In its rawest form, individualism remains a prescription for catastrophe. We have to create a new regimen of coexistence.’

A notable feature on this site is an interview with Salgado.


--Web Site Design for Users with Disabilities

This site discusses disabled user accessibility issues in Web site design.

Disabled User Accessibility

--Virtual Knee Surgery

This site takes you through the process of replacing a failing knee joint. Interactive.

Scrub up!

Virtual Knee Surgery

Until next week!

Blog editor


Faculty Development News This Week:


--Service Learning and Civic Engagement Conference

The Community College National Center for Community Engagement is now accepting proposals to present at their 2004 National Annual Conference, Adapting to the Paths of Change – Service Learning and Civic Engagement, being held on May 26-28, 2004 at the DoubleTree La Posada Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona.

For more information on submitting a proposal:

Service Learning and Civic Engagement Conference

Service Learning

--“Participatory Research and Service Learning”

This article is from The Journal for Civic Engagement

Participatory Research and Service Learning

--”Changing Landscapes: Enduring Values”

Another article from the Journal for Civic Engagement:

Changing Landscapes


--The Rockefeller Foundation

The mission of this foundation is "to enrich and sustain the lives and livelihoods of poor and excluded people. ... [G]rantmaking is organized around four thematic lines of work: Creativity & Culture, Food Security, Health Equity and Working Communities." The site provides information about programs and current grant recipients, a history of the foundation, and foundation publications on subjects such as HIV prevention, inequities in health care, and nonprofit capital.”

Rockefeller Foundation

Online Learning


The document, Paving the Way to Excellence in E-Learning, has been produced by the National Learning Network (NLN) Materials Team, which is responsible for "commissioning and managing the production of hundreds of hours of e-learning materials that are delivered free to the learning and skills sector....The document covers important issues such as pedagogy, accessibility (both design and technical requirements), technical standards and quality assurance."

Paving the Way to Excellence

--Learner Motivation

This article is from Allen Interactions: Learning for a Change

Who Cares About Motivation?

--Sloan -C View

"The intention of the Sloan-C View is to provide you with useful information about online learning, commentaries about the field and pointers to more details about the work of the Sloan Consortium. The Consortium currently has approximately 613 active organizational members, including colleges, universities, consortia, and vendors."


You have the option of viewing issues in PDF format or Web page HTML.


--LTSN - Learning and Teaching Support Network

The Learning and Teaching Support Network
"promotes high quality learning and teaching in higher education through the development and transfer of good practices in all disciplines. The network consists of 24 subject centres based in higher education institutions throughout the UK and a single Generic Centre." There's no uniform design and content among the centers, but most offer news, events, and recommended links, and many of them include case studies.

--New Publications from the League for Innovation

The Community College Research Center at the Teachers College at Columbia University have recently released a number of new publications. Check them out:

League for Innovations Publications


“The special focus of this website is character development in college ... how colleges and universities influence, both intentionally and unintentionally, the moral and civic learning and behaviors of college students." Provides featured journal articles, public diaries of college presidents, recommended reading, research studies, and resources on college student creeds, spirituality, leadership, and other character development topics. Searchable. From the Center for The Study of Values in College Student Development at Florida State University.”

Useful resource.

Journal of College and Character

Blog Grab Bag

--Complexity Digest

Interesting source, although access to articles is by subscription / fee- based.

Complexity Digest

--Emergence: A Journal of Complexity Issues in Organizations and Management

This is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to "managerial cognition" and leadership. Volume 1(1999) is available free online; otherwise, access to material is by subscription or fee-based.


--HBS Working Knowledge: Research Notebook

Working Knowledge "offers tips, techniques, and observations about business research. It is written by the staff of Baker Library at Harvard Business School." Recent topics including researching telecommunications, bankruptcies, labor statistics, and corporate governance.

--The Kept-Up Academic Librarian

The Keptup Librarian
helps academic librarians keep up with news and developments in higher education." Authored by Steven Bell, Director of Gutman Library at Philadelphia University.

--ThinkCycle:Open Collaborative Design

ThinkCycle is "an academic, non-profit initiative engaged in supporting distributed collaboration towards design challenges facing underserved communities and the environment. ThinkCycle seeks to create a culture of open source design innovation, with ongoing collaboration among individuals, communities and organizations around the world."

Find out more:


--Dave Brubeck

This companion to a Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) documentary about jazz musician Dave Brubeck features biographical information, reviews of his music, transcripts of interviews with Brubeck, and background on the documentary. Includes music clips, a reading list, related Web sites, and a quiz.

Dave Brubeck

--The Road to Resilience

“This brochure ... focuses on developing and using a personal strategy for enhancing resilience," which is "the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or even significant sources of stress." Discusses ways to build resilience, maintain flexibility, and learn from past experiences." From the American Psychological Association (APA).

The Road to Resilience

--Grokker Search Engine

Grokker is a meta searcher and browser produced by Groxis that allows you to “dive into the information in a visual form with a different metaphor.”

Here is the promotional literature:

Unlike other similar systems, Grokker isn't a plug-in or a website that produces graphical output. It's a program that is installed in your computer and acts as an alternative to the usual browser. Grokker has a series of options that allow us (at this moment) to classify and visualise information from

* Our hard disk or whatever one connected to the local area network.
* Internet, as a meta searchers using the output from AltaVista, MSN, WiseNut, Fast, Yahoo, and Teoma,
* the products available at

Free trial version available.


--The Unicorn Tapestries

"The Unicorn Tapestries are among the most popular attractions at The Cloisters, which houses part of the Metropolitan Museum's splendid collection from medieval Europe." This site presents detailed images and information about the flora, fauna, clothing, and symbolism of these seven textile artworks depicting a unicorn hunt. Also provides information about the weaving process and the Cloisters branch of the New York City Metropolitan Museum of Art, videos, and a bibliography.

Unicorn Tapestries

Until next week!

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