ruminators' ilk

faculty development, educational technologies, intellectual curieux, info provocations


Faculty Development News This Week:

Faculty Roundtable

The next Faculty Rountable is scheduled for Thursday, November 18, 12-1, Conference Room B, Student Center and will feature Kathleen DeDeyn from physical education. Kathleen's topic is "Stress and How to Handle Yours. " Here is the abstract:

A look at what causes your stress, the physical and psychological ramifications of stress, and practice in several techniques to help manage your stress, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, autogenics, visualization, meditation, exercise and more."

A light lunch will be served. Please RSVP(Just click Comment below), so I can guarantee there will be enough food.

Faculty Development Funding

Interested in applying for a CTL grant? Get funding for time, materials and equipment from the Office of the Chancellor, CTL. Proposal deadline: 22 January 2004.

Proposal guidelines are available at Proposal Guidelines


--Web Site: Faculty Consultation

This Web site, sponsored by Bemidji State University, provides general resources and information on faculty assessment.
Faculty Consultation.

--Web Site:Peer Review of Teaching

Sponsored by a consortium of universities, this site has a rich store of material, although some links require authorization to access.
Peer Review of Teaching

--Online Bulletin

The AHHEB Bulletin is an electronic publication of the American Association for Higher Education.
Assessment issues and other topics relevant to higher education are located here.


Peer Review of Teaching: A Sourcebook by Nancy Van Note Chism
(Anker Publishing, 1999).

Here is a section of the press release for the book:

"This concise yet comprehensive sourcebook is for administrators, particularly deans and department chairs, who wish to develop a strong peer review component to their system for evaluating and improving teaching. And this book is for faculty who will be engaged in the system, as both evaluators and as subjects of teaching evaluation. It consists of two parts: Part One details a framework for designing and implementing peer review, and Part Two provides guidelines, protocols, and forms for each task involved in an effective system of peer review."

For more information, click on Peer Review.

--Annotated Bibliography

This is an annotated bibliography on assessment resources.



**"Teaching as Scholarship" examines the juxtaposition of scholarship and teaching, beginning with a look at course syllabi. According to the author, "courses and syllabi represent profound acts of scholarship."

Read the article:
Teaching as Scholarship: Reflections on a Syllabus

**"Capturing Particulars of Classroom Practice"

This article addresses how our pedagogical intentions actually play out in the classroom.
Read the article:
Capturing Particulars of Classroom Practice

**"Putting the Focus on Student Learning"

This article asks instructors to evaluate and assess their teaching in terms of student learning.

Read the article: Putting the Focus on Student Learning

**--"Nine Good Principles for Assessing Student Learning"

This article provides a rubric for evaluating teaching in terms of student learning outcomes.
Nine Good Principles for Assessing Student Learning

Conference:Learning in 3D: Democratic Transformations, Diversity Redefined, Digital Environments."

April 1-4, Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina, San Diego, California

AAHE, the host for this conference," focuses this national conference on the three-dimensional societal and cultural revolution that is sweeping across higher education. This year's conference will explore where and how the three dimensions come together and what effect this may have on the future of higher education."

For information, click on
Learning in 3D


Want some ideas about how to build student response in the classroom? Read
the article "Open Windows into Your Students' Souls":
Open Windows into your Students' Souls

--"Empathy in Higher Education"

What role does empathy play in higher education? According to the author of this article,"[e]mpathy is coming out of the closet -- the campus counseling center closet, that is. Empathy is a valuable tool for classroom management and facilitating relationships between faculty members and administrators."

To read more, click here:

Empathy in Higher Education

--"Powerful Partnerships: A Shared Responsibility for Learning"

This article discusses the strategies for increasing the quality of student learning by way of campus-wide efforts.

Read the article:
Powerful Partnerships

New Campus Group: Gay-Straight Alliance

Faculty, students, and staff welcome!

The purpose of this organization is to nurture a sense of community among those students, faculty, and staff who understand themselves to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or allies. An allied member is any person, regardless of his or her sexual orientation, who supports sexual diversity and the mission statement, which is provided below.

MISSION STATEMENT of the Gay-Straight Alliance ( WORKING DRAFT)

--To create a safe campus environment for people who feel threatened or unable to perform as vital members of the Inver Hills community for reasons including sexual orientation.

--To work to educate students and faculty on issues of sexual diversity and to raise the awareness of the community.

--To provide support and education for students who are or who have family members and friends who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender.

--To provide educational programming that seeks to encourage a positive climate of acceptance for all students, regardless of sexual orientation.

--To inform about state wide and national efforts to educate the public about issues of homophobia and "hetrosexism."

--To sponsor educational outreach programs including speakers, support networks,
educational events, and socials, furthering understanding and sensitivity to what gay,
lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals need in the twenty-first century.

The first organizational meeting of the Gay-Straight Alliance is November 6, Thursday, 12:30-1:30 PM, Conference Room A, Student Center. Light refreshments will be served.

Questions and concerns can be addressed to Joyce Kammeraad and Colette Wanless, faculty sponsors for the Gay-Straight Alliance.

Blog Grab Bag

--The Knowledge Media Laboratory

Sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, the Knowledge Media Laboratory (KML) "uses new media and emerging technologies to exchange information, share knowledge and produce innovations that can transform teaching and learning." Along with resources, there is a Gallery providing "examples of ways that faculty can make ideas, insights, and new understandings generated in the course of teaching available so that others can build upon them."

The Knowledge Media Laboratory

--Filter Project

The Focusing Images for Learning and Teaching an Enriched Resource (FILTER) project aims to encourage and enable the use of digital images in learning and teaching in the United Kingdom and around the globe. User-friendly for all technological abilities.

To find out more:

--Who are the Connectors?

Social networking in the knowledge economy.

To find out more, read the article:
The Connectors

--Knowledge Garden

Interesting name for a Web site, yes?

This site is devoted to "organizational intelligence," "knowledge ecology," and " ideas that span the boundaries of multiple communities." Its goal is to "create new knowledge together and accelerate knowledge flows."

Read more:
Knowledge Garden


What is Pitch?

"Pitch is a peer-reviewed, online-only, continuous-release journal focused on instructional technology topics. Specifically, Pitch focuses on the pedagogical, technological, sociological, legal, and ethical issues of opening access to educational opportunity to underprivileged and underserved populations. Example topics include reusable media / learning objects, social networks and informal learning online, self-organizing learning communities, licensing of free educational materials, and right to education. "

Pitch Journal will be available in November 2003. Sign up on the site to get notification of the official release. Pitch

--Personal Publishing in Education

Read about blog use and trends in education. The author will link you to three articles he wrote on the subject.

Coup de pedagogue

Until next week!

Blog editor

**Image credits:


Faculty Development News This Week:

The Evolution of the Community College

--"Bridging Generations: A Community College Imperative"

This article discusses how it is imperative for community colleges, as community-based organizations, to connect with mature adult communities.

Bridging Generations

--"Learning Ecology, Communities and Networks: Extending the Classroom"

Summary of article: " Learner-centered, lifelong learning has been the cry of knowledge society visionaries for the last decade. Yet learning continues to be delivered with teacher-centric tools in a twelve week format. Society is changing. Learners needs are changing. The course, as a model for learning, is being challenged by communities and networks, which are better able to attend to the varied characteristics of the learning process by using multiple approaches, orchestrated within a learning ecology." --George Siemens

Read the article: Learning Ecology

--Knowledge Ecology

"When working with knowledge it is more useful to picture an ecology, than to envision a library -- think links, relationships & flow rather than collections, classification & objects."--Denham Grey

Intrigued? Read the article:
The Meaning of Knowledge Ecology

--"Ideas as Corridors"

Article summary: "Our reality is shaped by the ideas we hold. A model of ideas as corridors (larger structure of ideas which determines the nature of subsets of ideas) is presented. The article explores how ideas are developed, how they are challenged, and the implications in an educational and knowledge sharing context. "--George Siemens

Read the article: Ideas as Corridors

CTL Conferences / Seminars

--"The New Basics: What Students Need to Know Now"
The conference will take place at the Radisson Hotel South in Bloomington, MN, November 14-15, 2003. The registration form / conference schedule is available online at Collaboration.

--The Teaching Professor Conference, Call for Proposals

The Teaching Professor Conference is currently accepting proposals for the May 21-23, 2004 conference in Philadelphia. There are four tracks for conference proposals: (I)Flexibility, Adaptability, Vitality and Advocacy: Peers, Mentors, and 'Staying Alive' in Higher Education Today"; (II) Learning: What Does Learning Mean and How Does That Change My Teaching"; (III) The Sensible Use of Technology: It's Here to Stay--What Do I Do With IT"; and (IV) Teaching as Scholarly Work: Rewarded and Recognized."

To submit a proposal for the conference, click on the conference Website: Teaching Professor Conference. I also have some promotional literature, if anyone would like to see it.

CTL Discipline and Program Workshops

--ECONOMICS: A Conversation about Undergraduate Economics Education in Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. October 23, Metropolitan State University. Contact: Shannon Marting, Inver Hills Community College.

--COMPUTER SCIENCE: 1st Computer Technology Educators Conference (CTEC). October 24-25 at Hennepin Technical College, Brooklyn Park. Contact: Larry Gottschalk, Metro State University.

--SERVICE LEARNING: Engineering and Computer Science, sponsored by Minnesota Campus Contact. October 30-31 at 3M Facility, Tartan Park Clubhouse, Lake Elmo. Contact: Lori Frasee.

--SERVICE LEARNING: HISTORY, sponsored by Minnesota Campus Contact. November 14-15, Minnesota History Center, Saint Paul. Contact: Lori Frasee.

Interpersonal Dynamics

--Article on how to resolve conflict: "When Mediation Goes Awry: Reflections on the Internal Complexities of Being Human."
Read the article at When Mediation Goes Awry


--Backlash Against Technology

This is a book review of The Flickering Mind: The False Promise of Technology in the Classroom by Todd Oppenheimer (Random House, 2003). It appeared in the October 14, 2003 edition of The Christian Science Monitor.

Why Computers Have not Saved the Classroom

--"Managing Hot Moments in the Classroom"

Are hot moments in the classroom baseline for you, or do you do everything possible to prevent such occurrences? This article discusses how to manage anger, argumentation, and verbal outbursts: Managing Hot Moments in the Classroom

--"Women and Men in the Classroom"

This study examines how gender affects the quality of teaching and learning in college. Specific questions addressed: What are the differences, if any, between male and female students' participation in classroom discussion? How does the gender of the teacher affect student participation?

Read the article Women and Men in the Classroom


This teaching Web site by Daphne Pan, University of Singapore, is a treasure trove
for ideas on how to choreograph active and reflective learning in the classroom.

Ideas on Teaching

--Active Learning: Cognitive Flexibility

Just what is cognitive flexibility? Educational psycho-babble? For background reading on the theoretical underpinnings of cognitive flexibility, click on Cognitive Flexibility and on Pioneering a New Way of Learning in a Complex and Complicated World.

--"Teaching for Engagement"

This article is from the July/ August 2001 issue of Academe, the magazine of the American Association of University Professors.
Teaching for Engagement.

--Primary Sources Online

This is an online tutorial that defines primary sources, shows how to find them on the web and evaluate them, and then cite them appropriately.

Primary Sources

--"The Educators Manifesto"

This article by Robbie McClintock,Institute for Learning Technologies
Teachers College, Columbia University, argues for digital technology as an agent of social change and transformation.

Read the article:The Educators Manifesto (This is a PDF file, 78 pages.)

Blog Grab Bag

--Researchers and Blogs

This site provides an annotated list of research blogs used by scholars and educators. There is useful information here, but you need to dig for it.

Annotated List of Research Blogs

--Non-Computerized Games for the Economics Classroom

This site has a variety of games for the economics classroom. Games Economists Play

--A Brief Guide to Questionnaire Development

A how-to guide for this method of primary research. Questionnaire Development

--Political Science Game

The Aid Game is about "giving charitable aid to developing countries. These countries may suffer the dual challenges of high mortality from hunger and disease, and even higher birthrates, leading to ever greater demands on their natural resources, and more hunger, in a vicious cycle. In the Aid Game, you explore alternative aid packages, to see which kinds of aid work best, and why."

Aid Game

--Political Science/ History/ Critical Thinking/ Creative Problem Solving: International Conflict Simulation

Reenact the Cuban missile crisis: International Crisis

--The Politics of Time

This article looks at how we struggle with "the politics of time." Time to Act.

--Mathematics and Art: Archimedes

Visual creativity and geometry merge on Archimedes.



This site revolutionizes the Union Catalog. "The immediate goal for RLG's RedLightGreen project (formerly known as the Union Catalog on the Web) is to offer rich, reliable library information that is unique in the Web environment and to deliver that information in ways that meet the expectations of Web-savvy users. "


--Economics: Online Resources for Economics

This site contains over 1,000 items for those interested in economics.
Resources for Economists on the Internet

--Mountaineering on the Web: Imaging Mount Everest

Have you ever wanted to scale Mt. Everest but little things held you back--like traveling to Nepal, fear of heights, not wanting to die.... Well, this site is for you!

Read the promo:

"To mark the anniversary of the first ascent of Mount Everest on May 29, 1953, the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) in conjunction with the British Council in Nepal has created an exhibition called Imaging Everest from its collection of approximately 20,000 photographs taken on the nine Mount Everest Expeditions between 1921 and 1953. These expeditions were jointly organized by the Royal Geographical Society and the Alpine Club."

Imaging Everest

Until next week!

Blog editor


Faculty Development News This Week:

Faculty Development

--"Toward a New Way of Thinking and Learning: Becoming a Learning College"

This League for Innovation article discusses how one community college,Surry Community College in North Carolina, evolved into a learning community.
Becoming a Learning College

--Communicating Diversity in Higher Education
If you are looking for some ideas on diversity for your classroom, this digest is an interesting resource.
This link will take you to a pdf. file (24 pages).
Diversity Digest Archival issues of this digest are also available.

--The Challenge of Teaching Introductory Courses
Probably one of the most challenging teaching assignments for an instructor is introductory courses in a discipline. Likewise, probably no class is more important for students in a discipline than the introductory course. This article addresses how teachers can meet this challenge.
The Challenge of Teaching Introductory Courses

--Teaching Portfolios
Interested in creating your own electronic portfolio? CTL/MNSCU
offers a free portfolio platform. Check it out at
E-Folio Minnesota. Jim Deacon, Rob Harris, and Colette Wanless-Sobel can offer campus assistance with porfolio orientation. For a sample portfolio (mine!), click on the link below.

E-Folio Minnesota, Colette Wanless-Sobel



The Instructional Use of Learning Objects
Hmmm. Learning objects. Technological hype? Read this full text book for free and decide.
The Instructional Use of Learning Objects

Blog Grab Bag

--Diversity in the Classroom
This site, Diversity Web, is produced by education professionals dedicated to advancing campus diversity work throughout postsecondary education. The DiversityWeb project is housed within the Office of Diversity, Equity and Global Initiatives at the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U).
Diversity Web

--The National Book Foundation
October is National Book Month. Check out this site of the National Book Foundation:
National Book Foundation.

--Bioscience Literacy
This is an educational web site created to promote bioscience literacy by examining issues such as biodiversity, genomics, biotechnology, and evolution.
Action Bioscience

--Educational Materials, Multi-Disciplinary
"The Gateway to Educational Materials is a consortium effort to provide educators with quick and easy access to thousands of educational resources found on various federal, state, university, non-profit, and commercial Internet sites. " This site is sponsored by the Department of Education:

No, not the wine. MERLOT stands for Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and OnlineTeaching. There are a lot of goodies on this site.

--Spanish Resource
The Centro Virtual Cervantes website offers a collection of readings for Spanish students. The readings are classified as beginning,(an intermediate proficiency level), intermediate, and advanced levels.
Centro Virtual Cervantes.

--French Resource
"Vous devez aider cette oie à rentrer chez elle en répondant à des questions sur la langue française. Choisissez votre niveau et le thème qui vous intéresse ..." Voila!

--ESL Cafe
"A staple for ESL professionals and their students. Games, exercises, links, chats, job information for teachers and learners of English as a second language."
ESL Cafe

--Student Resource for Writing Research Papers
This is a teaching tool designed by University of Minnesota librarians. All a student needs to do is input her / his research paper date due, the date for starting work on the paper, and the subject area of the assignment, and the tool will map out a day by day plan for researching and producing a research paper.
Assignment Calculator.

--The Coalition Provisional Authority-Iraq

This is the Web site for the provisional government in Iraq.
Coalition... Iraq

Until next week!

Blog editor