Faculty Development News This Week:
Inver Hills TLTR Showcase
The TLTR Showcase, sponsored by the campus TLTR Committee, will feature faculty and staff demonstrations of learning technology applications and projects. The event is an excellent opportunity to see effective integration of technology and the curriculum at Inver Hills. All faculty, staff and students welcome.
The TLTR Showcase is scheduled for Tuesday, April 27, 11:30 AM- 2:00 PM. Here is a listing of the showcase topics planned so far:
Digital Photography online course and skills
Streaming media
Graphing data activities
Scientific data collection
Map making
Screen capture videos using Camtasia
Media equipment available
Macromedia Breeze
Using Word Macros
Library databases and breadth of use
Electronic course packs of database articles
PowerPoint as a mind tool
Business Plan Pro
Off-campus Access Options
The committee welcomes your participation in the showcase as well as your suggestions. For further information, contact Mark Peterson or James Deacon. You can also send your ideas to
Open Source
--"The Next Wave: Liberation Technology"
This article is from The Chronicle Review, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 30 January 2004.
Liberation Technology.
This is a 10 -page PDF file.
Online Education
--Assessing Online Education
This article discusses an assessment method at MIT for gauging pedagogical effectiveness in online courses, based on media, learning models, and interactivity.
...New Methodology for Evaluation...
--How to Achieve Flow in Online Instruction
This article is from E-Learn Magazine.
Instructional Design for Flow in Online Learning
--Using Online Portfolios
This paper was delivered at the 10th Annual Distance Education Conference, January 2003.
Using Online Portfolios
This is a 9-page PDF file.
--Expanding Access to Learning: The Role of Virtual Universities
This document examines statewide online education ventures.
Read an excerpt from the Preface:
"Almost every state in the United States is engaged in some kind of virtual university effort. Plans for these new organizations tend to emphasize the need to establish a postsecondary educational system that is accessible, efficient, and responsive to the needs of citizens and economic stakeholders; to create educational opportunities that can be delivered to new populations of potential students; to minimize costs; and to enable students to continue to work while attending college, as the following excerpt from the Kentucky Virtual University (KYVU) home page exemplifies...."
Read more:
Expanding Access to Learning
You can download a PDF version of this report.
--Best Practices for Electronically Offered Degree and Certificate Programs
This document provides assistance in planning and assessment of online degree and certificate programs.
Best Practices
This is a 16-page PDF file.
--Students' vs. Teachers' Views of Online Instruction
Read an excerpt from the study:
"Our study investigates how students and their teacher experienced an online course. We were interested if both parties perceived similar advantages and disadvantages in online learning. An online course at Jönköping International Business School, JIBS, was scrutinized from different perspectives. The course chosen for investigation was Business English Online (BUENGON 1), which was running for the second time since autumn 2001. The platform used was the school’s intranet called JIBSNet, developed to handle administration of all the courses, and to provide some facilities for communication between teachers and students. "
For the full report:
Attitudes Toward E-Learning
I acquired this source from Online Learning Update
Community / Service Learning
--Online Voluteering
Service learning and community service online? Read on.
This site is affiliated with the United Nations.
Online Volunteering
--The Orion Project: Connecting a Community
Read the abstract for this paper:
"Certainly, the computer and the internet have opened up opportunities and stimulated unprecedented growth. However, even after the turn of a new century, the Digital Divide has not yet closed and sectors of people are still excluded from enjoying the opportunities and growth that now exist. El Paso Community College, in collaboration with El Paso Independent School District and the University of Texas at El Paso, have begun work to bring together all of El Paso’s independent networks into a single high-speed community network that provides online access and delivery of K-Gray education. This newly created Orion Ring Project has identified specific objectives such as delivering dual-credit enrollment classes to high school students and mentoring first-year teachers and education students in the field in order to stem high attrition rates. The next phase will involve adding other networks, such as the UTEP Internet 2 link, to the Orion Ring."
Orion Project
Instructional Design
--Case Study Resources for the Classroom
This site provides case study offerings in business; international business; international affairs; instructional design; legal cases; public policy; and science.
Case Study Resources
--Effective--and Ineffective--Instructional Strategies
This article is from Learning Circuits, whose mission is "to promote and aid the use of e-learning, creating a body of knowledge about how to use technology efficiently and effectively for learning. It delivers a fully interactive Website with discussions, demos and resources, and articles on a weekly basis. A bi-weekly opt-in email newsletter, LC Express, sends news, teasers, and links to subscribers. There are nearly 500 articles currently on the Website. " Learning Circuits is subscription based, although there is free material available on the site.
To read the article:
Effective--and Ineffective--Instructional Strategies
--IDEAS: Instructional Design for E-Learning Approaches
--Flash Tutorials
Interested in learning Flash applications for your courses? Look at this tutorial resource.
Flash Tutorials
Blog Grab Bag
--Principles of Clinical Pharmacology
"This interactive learning object will help students learn about the therapeutic
principles of pharmacology."
Principles of Clinical Pharmacology
--"HyperPhysics Relativity
"A hyperlinked exploration of relativity, including topics in both special and general relativity. "
Hyper Physics
--Astronomical Data and Trigonometric Functions
"This site contains material ... to help motivate the study of trigonometry. It can be used as either lecture material or it can be assigned to one or a group of students as a project. It shows that the plotting of some simple astronomical data - length of daylight vs. day of the year - is closely related to the graph of a standard sinusoidal function. "
Astronomical Data
--Chinese the Easy Way
I thought the Cyrillic alphabet was a killer, until I attempted to learn Mandarin Chinese.
This site claims to make learning Chinese manageable. Read the promo:
"This website consists of streaming audios that are designed to be used in conjunction with and as a supplement to the Chinese language textbook, Chinese The Easy Way, co-authored by Philip F.C. Williams and Yenna Wu and published by the Barron’s Educational Series."
Chinese the Easy Way
--Bach Harmonics
"This applet notates a user specified harmonic progression, according to all the rules of four-part harmony writing. Users have the ability to transpose the result into any key."
Bach Harmonics
--Osmosis Simulation
"A Physlet-based simulation of particle osmosis through a permeable membrane. The motion of atoms is shown and the permeability of the membrane can be varied."
Osmosis Simulation
This site aims to provide "a comprehensive, uniform, and useful compilation of links to freely accessible on-line sources of law for the United States and Canada."
This site acquired fromLII list serve
--Jesus: Real to Reel
Created by two theology instructors, this site provides a "bibliography and Web resources for religion/theology and film." It "has been set up to collect into one place resources for studying the historical Jesus through modern cinematic presentations of Jesus' life and teachings."
Jesus: Real to Reel
This site acquired from Lii List Serve.
Until next week!
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