ruminators' ilk

faculty development, educational technologies, intellectual curieux, info provocations


Faculty Development News This Week:

Mobile Technology in Education

--Mobile Learning Attracts High School Students

Mobile Learning Attracts High School Students

This is from Distance, 20 September 2004.



Read the introduction to this site:

How much do we really know about how people read news websites? We can track their behavior clicking through a site visit. We can collect personal information. We can ask them questions. But that presents a small part of the full picture. To get the rest, we need to climb inside their heads and look through their eyes as they view online news sites -- to peer into their minds and see patterns that even they don't consciously see.


--Less is More for University Web Sites

Many university websites are poorly organized, and filled with out-of-date content that has been directly published from print. Delivering a better service to students and staff faces challenges because of decentralized management structures and concepts such as academic freedom.

Less is More

This is from New Thinking, 20 September 2004.

Gaming in Education

--Games Blur News and Entertainment

Some game developers are trying to get players to expand their horizons by reflecting on news events in computer games.

Games Blur News and Entertainment


--Mozilla E-mail Software Available

Mozilla, an open source community of developers and testers, has released the latest edition of their E-mail software.


--Survey Monkey

Here is the promo:

Intelligent survey software for serious primates of all species. SurveyMonkey has a single purpose: to enable anyone to create professional online surveys quickly and easily.

This is a wonderful utility. Free, too!

Survey Monkey

This resource courtesy of E-Literate, 24 September 2004.


Skype is for calling other people on their computers or phones. Download Skype and start calling for free all over the world.

Download also available for Mac OS X.



--Information Cascades in Online Learning

This article focuses on content presentation.

Information Cascades

This is from E-Learn Magazine

--Online Professional Development in Support of Online Teaching: Some Issues for Practice

Read the editor’s note to this article from The International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Education, September 2004::

If it is true that we tend to teach the way we were taught, then it is also true that initial experience with distance learning as a student will benefit faculty who subsequently teach at a distance. Online teaching for orientation and professional development of faculty is explored in this pilot research at the University of South Australia. It provides interesting anecdotes on the attitudes and expectations of faculty regarding the future role of distance learning in higher education.

Online Professional Development

--Online Debate: A Case Study Combining Traditional Strategy and Online Technology

Read the editor’s introduction to this article, which again comes from The International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Education, September 2004:

Good teaching practices normally transfer from traditional to distance learning environments. In some instances there are opportunities to accomplish what cannot be done in synchronous face-to-face communication. This study takes the opposing case. Dr. Love attempts to replicate a successful face-to-face model, a debate, in cyberspace. His class experienced technical and communication difficulties that influenced the time required and student motivation.

Online Debate

Blog Grab Bag

--Renaissance Editions

This is an online repository of works printed in English between the years 1477 and 1799 .

Renaisance Editions

--The Best of Photo-Journalism 2004

This link is courtesy of Neat New Stuff, 24 September 2004.

Best of Photo-Journalism

--BBC Languages

Want to brush up on your French, Spanish, Italian, German, Greek, Portuguese? This site is for you!

BBC Languages


September 26 is the European Day of Languages.


The Disabled World Web site, based in Montreal Canada, was launched in May 2004 to provide a much needed international online community for people with disabilities.

This is a wonderful site. Recommended.


--Positive Lives

This site is devoted to HIV, world-wide. Content-rich and beautifully designed.


Positive Lives

--The Giving Game

What is theGiving Game? Read on:

You have discovered the Giving Game. It empowers you to do amazing things through kindness. Either through purposeful or random acts of kindness, you can make the world a better place!

The Giving Game is based on the principle of kindness. It involves your kind acts, a game card and this web site. The Giving Game was inspired by Catherine Ryan Hyde's novel, Pay It Forward. The game is FREE to play

Here is a list of ideas from the site on “creative giving”:

Buy a cup of coffee for the person behind you at a coffee shop
Leave your newspaper at a coffee shop for someone else to read
Cut an elderly person's grass at no charge
Donate money or books to a local library
Offer to baby sit for a mother who needs a day away from the kids. Give her money to buy her lunch while she is out
Make something creative for someone
Drop off a bag of groceries with a friend who has been recently laid off
Leave a $20 tip for an $8 dollar meal
Buy a movie pass for two and give it to friends who could use a night out
Make a donation to the zoo or other nonprofit organization in a friend's name
Have flowers delivered to a new colleague
Shovel a neighbor's driveway
Find articles in the paper about people that are making a difference in your community - and do something nice for them
Scrape a stranger's windshield on a snowy day
Put money in a parking meter by a stranger's car when you see the time running out
Send an unsigned card saying, "You make a difference"
Send a helpful book as a gift
Send flowers with a note: "As a token of appreciation from someone who respects you"
Send someone a ticket to a lecture or course that he/she will enjoy
Send someone a tape or CD of music they will enjoy
Send a gift subscription for a magazine
Pay a highway toll for the person behind you
Send money to someone who is experiencing financial difficulties

The Giving Game


This site exhibits and explores the patterns inherent in prime numbers.

Neat site.

Radiant Primes

--The Prime Pages

This site is devoted to the intricacies of prime numbers.


--Fear of Physics

This site is for physics-phobic folks (such as I).

Fear of Physics

--Poynter Institute Online

What is the Poynter Institute?

The Poynter Institute is a school for journalists, future journalists, and teachers of journalists. No matter what their job title may be, journalists come to Poynter in a search for excellence. Our resident and visiting faculty provide concentrated instruction and personal support in that quest.

This site has valuable resources.

--Project Rebirth

Read the site's ABOUT US statement:

Using time-lapse photography, Project Rebirth is currently documenting the day-by-day rebuilding of the World Trade Center site in New York City.

Six 35mm time-lapse motion picture cameras, situated around the site since the six-month anniversary of 9/11, will continue to shoot one frame of film every five minutes, seven days a week, until this historic reconstruction is completed. This technology will enable the public to view the entire reconstruction within a twenty-minute time span. The final film is intended for a future museum memorial installation.

Project Rebirth

--Fifty Writing Tools

Tips for writers.

50 Writing Tools

Libraries / Knowledge Mnagement

--Rights Expressions Languages

This document, prepared for the Library of Congress, surveys the four major digital rights languages (CreativeCommons, METSRights, Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL), and MPEG-21, Part 5 (MPEG-21/5) aka XrML) and looks at a wide variety of other initiatives such as PRISM, Adobe Content Manager (ACM), Electronic Resource Management Initiative (ERMI) and more.

Rights Expression Languages

This is a 53-page PDF file.

This reference courtesy of OLD Daily

--The Origins of the Dewey Decimal System

Read the introduction:

Although a debate about the origins of the Dewey Decimal Classification
Scheme has been going on for generations, historical consensus remains
elusive. This paper contributes new information to the historiography on
the origins of the scheme: (1) by grounding an account of Melvil Dewey’s
thinking as he was crafting the Decimal Classification on an analysis of a
larger body of sources than previous classification historians have consulted;
and (2) by expanding and deepening historical understanding of
the contextual forces influencing his decisions on the classification

Origins of the Dewey Decimal Sysytem

This is a 20-page PDF file.

--Library as Comfort Lounge

Read an excerpt from this article:

Libraries in Seattle, Los Angeles and many other cities have undertaken huge renovation or building projects in the past few years, and the changes have been as much about changing culture as about changing aesthetics.

Library as Comfort Lounge

Trends in Higher Education

--Pell Institute Study of Opportunity for Higher Education

Read the press release:


Washington, DC – Despite numerous policies to make college more accessible, most low-income students never consider college, many choose to attend for-profit or two-year institutions, most avoid more expensive colleges, and the majority never graduate.

These rather bleak conclusions recently appeared in the 1st annual status report, Indicators of Opportunity in Higher Education, published by The Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education.

"This is the first national report of its kind that measures available opportunities for low-income students to access and succeed in higher education,” said Arnold Mitchem, President of the Council for Opportunity in Education. “It clearly illustrates that our nation must take steps right now to seriously expand programs that improve access to higher education so that we can open the doors of postsecondary education for all students.”

The report, which focused on four indicators, revealed that low-income students have less opportunity for education beyond high school.

Indicator One: Who Goes to College?

In 1999-2000, approximately 56 percent of 18 to 24-year olds were in college or had attended college. When broken down by income, 31 percent of low-income students (from families with incomes below $25,000), compared to 79 percent of high-income students (from families with incomes higher than $75,000), were enrolled in college or had attended college. Opportunity for postsecondary education advanced incrementally as income increased, with over 20 percentage points separating each income level.

Indicator Two: Where Do They Go?

■ At public two-year colleges, students from families with income under $25,000 account for 20 percent; students from families with incomes from $25,000 to $74,999 account for 59 percent; and students from families with incomes $75,000 and above account for 21 percent.
■ At public four-year universities, 11 percent are from the lowest income group, 48 percent are from the middle-income group, and 41 percent
are from the highest income group.
■ At private four-year universities, 8 percent are from the lowest income group, 35 percent are from the middle-income group, and 57 percent are from the highest income group.

Indicator Three: What Do Students Pay for College?

Low-income students are more likely to go to less expensive colleges and many are being “priced” out of the market, especially at four-year institutions. Although financial aid policies are having a positive impact on what students really pay, a common lack of understanding about financial aid programs discourages most low-income students from attending college. In fact, when prices increase, regardless of coinciding increases in financial aid, low-income students are more likely to change their attendance patterns or not attend at all.

While low-income students pay less to attend college, their families pay the most in percentage of total income. Students from low-income families, total charges for attending a four-year public institution, accounted for approximately 60 percent of family income in 1999-2000. For students from middle and high-income families, the share was substantially less, 17 percent and approximately 5 percent, respectively. The differences are even greater when private four-year institutions are considered.

Indicator Four: Who Graduates from College?

Among those students in the lowest income group, an estimated 7 percent attain their bachelor’s degree by age 24, compared to 39 percent for those students from the middle income group, and 52 percent for those from the highest income group.

"This report demonstrates that family income significantly determines who goes to college, where they go, and ultimately who graduates,” said Colleen O’Brien, Director of the Pell Institute. “Although our nation has made some progress, these findings prove that we have a long way to go.”

Pell Institute

This is a 12-page PDF file.

--Blogging Post Formats

This article addresses the basic blogging formats for posts.

Blogging Style

Service Learning / Civic Engagement

--Gap Actvities Projects

Overseas volunteer activities for 17-19 year olds.

GAP Activity Projects


--Careers in BioTech, Pharmacy, Medicine and Academia

Resource for students.


--Scholarships for College Students

101 scholarship opportunities for students!

Scholarship Web Pages

Until next week!

Blog editor

Image credits:

"Palm,"PalmFront.gif70 x 66 pixels -

"Primes," 030317/030317-13.html image.jpg
512 x 512 pixels - 103k display.html primes.gif
640 x 480 pixels - 26k

"Renaissance Book Plate,"345 x 455 pixels - norris/book3plate27.jpg

"Scholarships," 218 x 153 pixels - scholarships.htm


Faculty Development News This Week:


--Learning Through Discovery: The Power of Inquiry in the Construction of Knowledge

November 19-20
Sheraton Bloomington Hotel
Bloomington, Minnesota

Join other inquisitive minds at The Collaboration's Fall Conference on “Learning Through Discovery” with featured speakers Michael Dickmann, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Doctoral Studies at Cardinal Stritch University, and John Barell, professor emeritus at Montclair State University and consultant with The American Museum of Natural History. We’re also featuring a presentation on the brain co-presented by the Science Museum of Minnesota and the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

The conference is packed with a rich assortment of preconference and concurrent sessions related to learning through discovery – inquiry, engagement, the arts, experiential learning, service-learning, problem-based learning, active learning, and more.

View and print the conference brochure and registration form as a .PDF file or view detailed session abstracts and much more in the online brochure.

Register by October 25th to receive the Early Bird rate!

Constructive Learning

This is an 8-page PDF file.

For more information about upcoming conferences, go to the The Collaboration for the advancement of College Teaching and Learning Web site.



A9 is the new search engine from

Read the promotional literature: is a powerful search engine, using web search and image search results enhanced by Google, Search Inside the Book results from, reference results from GuruNet, movies results from IMDb, and more. remembers your information. You can keep your own notes about any web page and search them; it is a new way to store and organize your bookmarks; it even recommends new sites and favorite old sites specifically for you to visit. With the A9 Toolbar all your web browsing history will be stored, allowing you (and only you!) to retrieve it at any time and even search it; it will tell you if you have any new search results, or the last time you visited a page.


--Firefox Browser

This is Mozilla’s answer to Microsoft IE.

Read the promotional literature:

The world's best browser just got better. The new Firefox Preview Release is the award winning preview of Mozilla's next generation browser. Firefox empowers you to browse faster, more safely, and more efficiently than with any other browser. Make the switch today--Firefox imports your Favorites, settings and other information, so you have nothing to lose.

Try it out.


Librarians / Knowledge Management

--Should Libraries Have Coffee Stands for Patrons?

“Do you want your books with regular latte or decaf?”

Should Libraries Offer Coffee Stands?

--Don't Mess with Librarians

Librarians rock!

Don't Mess with Librarians

This link is courtesy of Wired News 15 September 2004.

--Librarians: The Brainiest Professionals

Professionals in knowledge management are SMART.

This link is from the British Library: The World's Knowledge

The Brainiest Professionals


--Hispanic Fact Pack

Although this is put out by Advertising Age, there is useful demographic information here.

Hispanic Fact Pack

This is a 23-page PDF file.

--Lecturers Say Modern Students are Spoon-Fed

One perspective on student neediness in the classroom.

Modern Student are Spoon Fed

This is from IC Wales, the National Web Site of Wales,17 September 2004.

Educational Gaming / Simulation

--The Next Generation of Educational Engagement

Games are no longer just for fun; they offer potentially powerful learning environments. Today's students have grown up with computer games. In addition, their constant exposure to the Internet and other digital media has shaped how they receive information and how they learn. There are many attributes of games that make them pedagogically sound learning environments. An increasing number of faculty are using games as enhancements to the traditional learning environment with encouraging results. While the interactivity and engagement of games are highly positive a number of questions remain about how games will be developed, deployed and accepted in higher education.

Educational Engagement

This is an 18-page PDF file from Journal of Interactive Media in Education



zillivisation wants to encourage advanced users to convert their relatives, friends, co-workers etc. to use Mozilla products.

Down with Internet Explorer,up with Firefox or the Mozilla Suite!


--Innovative Technology Awards

See cutting-edge technology.

Innovative Technology Awards

This link is from Computer World, 13 September 2004.

Service Learning / Civic Engagement

--Moving Ideas

Moving Ideas Network (MIN), formerly the Electronic Policy Network! MIN is dedicated to explaining and popularizing complex policy ideas to a broader audience. Our goal is to improve collaboration and dialogue between policy and grassroots organizations, and to promote their work to journalists and legislators.

Moving Ideas posts the best ideas and resources from leading progressive research and advocacy institutions, as well as promotes high-quality websites and publishes original content. We hope to strengthen democratic participation by providing a more inclusive and intelligible debate about the issues that shape our world.

Moving Ideas

--Community Based Research

Ideas and resources for community problem-solving and civic engagement.

Community Based Research

--One World United States is a global community of over 1600 organizations working together for human rights and sustainable development. Free subscription.


--Workplace Strategies Initiative

Workforce Strategies Initiative (WSI) identifies and advances strategies that help low-income Americans gain ground in today's labor market. To that end, WSI engages in applied research, facilitates dialogue, disseminates findings and shares new ideas.

WorkPlace Strategies

--Democracy in Action

The mission of Democracy in Action is to develop and promote tools and infrastructure that facilitate the growth and vitality of organizations and networks who share ecological and social justice values by enhancing their ability to reach and facilitate individual participation in the democratic process. We provide tools to strengthen civil society by enabling people to connect, communicate, take action, and organize in a manner that is consistent with the highest principles of democracy and supports the sustainable restoration and stewardship of our country and our planet.

Democracy in Action

--The Civic Mission of Schools

Although this is geared toward K-12 curricula, the theoretical frameworks are applicable to post-secondary students as well. Links to resources.

The Civic Mission of Schools

--Open-Source Democracy

This is an E-book published by Project Gutenberg . The author Douglas Rushkoff argues for open-access to knowledge and information in order to promote civic engagement.

Here is an excerpt from the Introduction:

The emergence of the interactive mediaspace may offer a new model for cooperation. Although it may have disappointed many in the technology industry, the rise of interactive media, the birth of a new medium, the battle to control it and the downfall of the first victorious camp, taught us a lot about the relationship of ideas to the media through which they are disseminated. Those who witnessed, or better, have participated in the developmentof the interactive mediaspace have a very new understanding of the way that cultural narratives are developed, monopolized and challenged. And this knowledge extends, by allegory and experience, to areas far beyond digital culture, to the broader challenges of our time.

Read the entire book:

Open-Source Democracy

This source acquired courtesy of wwwtools.

Read the promotional literature for this neat site: allows users to:

*Identify and contact elected leaders in Congress, the White House, and state legislatures
* Post letters online in Letters to Leaders and read what other Americans are saying to elected officials
* Create and post Soapbox action alerts to enlist others on your issue.
*Have letters printed and hand-delivered to Congress (there is a fee for this Extra Impact service)
*Find and contact local and national media by ZIP code or by state with Media Guide
*Have your representative's votes sent to you weekly via e-mail with MegaVote
*Search alerts and take action in the Issues and Action area (contact Capitol Advantage to get your organization's alerts on, Yahoo!, MSN, AOL and more sites).

This link also courtesy of

--Register to Vote

This link allows voter registration online.

Register to Vote

Blog Grab Bag

Remember the old game "20 questions" where you'd think of an object and your friends would have to guess that object by asking you 20 yes or no questions? Well, thanks to some really frightening artificial intelligence, you can now play 20 questions against a computer. And more likely than not, the computer is going to guess your object. No, really.*

To play 20 Questions against a computer, go to

*This quote and link acquired from The Internet Tourbus .

--Shakespeare Early Texts Online

The texts on this site date from Shakespeare's lifetime and are pamphlet editions of plays prepared to be sold after performances had finished. The printed works show how the text evolved and cast doubt on the idea of definitive versions of his plays.

Shakespeare Online

This link courtesy of BBC News, 10 September 2004.

--Statistics Glossary

This link provides definitions of terminology in statistics.

Statistics Glossary

--Historical Hurricane Track

This interactive map will automatically plot the location of active storms. You can also use 'Quick Plot' to enter your own coordinates. Click on the 'Storm Archive' to see the path of any storm since 1900." Uses ShockWave.

Hurricane Track

--In the Fray

INTHEFRAY.COM describes itself as 'an online magazine devoted to issues of identity and community.' In light of the remarkable economic and social changes really upheavals occurring in the world today, that mission can only be called ambitious. The magazine's dedicated journalists set their sights on the frontlines where identity and community are undergoing tremendous flux, climbing into the trenches to give a voice to often invisible movers and shakers, or just plain strugglers. At a time when nuanced analysis of critical issues suffers in a toxic environment of ideological ranting and corporate coziness, INTHEFRAY.COM provides a forum for genuine informed discussion on the Internet, which has assumed an increasingly significant role in creating a space for dissent.



Interpret news and current events, using online documentation of facts.


--We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People

This is a book review of We the Media, whose author, journalist Dan Gillmore, contends:

My readers know more than I do-and that's an opportunity. It's a truth that journalism professionals are only just beginning to grasp. [R]eaders (or viewers or listeners) collectively know more than media professionals do. This is true by definition: they are many, and we are often just one. We need to recognize and, in the best sense of the word, use their knowledge. If we don't, our former audience will bolt when they realize they don't have to settle for half-baked coverage; they can come into the kitchen themselves.

Read more:

We the Media

This link is from MindJack, 16 August 2004.

--Human Rights Campaign

This site promotes gay, lesbian bisexual, and transgender rights.

Human Rights Campaign

Until next week!

Blog editor


Faculty Development News This Week


-- SLOAN International Conference on Asynchronous Learning Networks

DATE: 12-14 November, Orlando, Florida

For more information, visit the conference Web site:

SLOAN Conference


--Exploring the Use of Blogs as Learning Spaces in the Higher Education Sector

What learning actually takes place while blogging? Read the article:


This is a 16-page PDF file

Service Learning / Civic Engagement

--Governing: State and Local Sourcebook Online Supplement

Links to home pages for states, legislatures, major counties and cities, national associations and research organizations, and topical links for such issues as land use, public safety, waste management, etc. In fact, as I've mentioned before, the entire Governing web site is a treasure for anyone concerned with making government work.


This link acquired courtesy of Neat New Stuff I Found This Week
New Stuff
Copyright, Marylaine Block, 1999-2004.


--Labor Force Projections

Job projections for the near future.

Labor Force Projections

This is an 18-page PDF file.

--Buying Books Online Has Its Ups and Downs

The pros and cons of students purchasing class texts online.

Buying Books Online…

--You Should Work for Google

This article outlines the variety of jobs performed at, a progressive, cutting edge employer.

You Should Work for Google



This is a resource on disability issues. A free newsletter is available.


--Freedom Machines

Freedom Machines takes a new look at disability through the lens of assistive technology. The experiences of a group of unforgettable people let us re-examine ideas about ability and disability grounded in our culture and attitudes. Engineers, designers and users challenge barriers inherent in our built environments, and reveal the gap between the promises of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act and everyday reality for 54 million Americans with disabilities. Whether mainstream technology or extraordinary inventions such as stair-climbing wheelchairs, Freedom Machines reveals both the power and limitations of technology to change lives.

Freedom Machines

Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century

--Achieving Necessary Skills

This is a synopsis of the report from the Secretary of Labor’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) . The report is available for purchase.

Achieving Necessary Skills

-- Building a Nation of Learners

This article presents the global challenge of education.

Building a Nation of Learners

This is a 40-page PDF file.
-- Labor Projections and Technical-Vocational Education

This report addresses technical and vocational college curriculae.

Labor Projections

This is a 51-page PDF file.

--Nonprofit Organization to Collect, Distribute Online Courses

The Monterey Institute for Technology and Education, a nonprofit
organization based in California, will use a $1.5 million grant from
the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to build a collection of
online course content called the National Repository of Online Courses.
Developing content for online courses can be an expensive undertaking,
and some institutions are making their online course materials
available for others to use. The Monterey Institute will work to
collect such materials, modifying them where necessary, and making them
available to higher education as well as to high schools that want to
provide online Advanced Placement courses. Institutions that can pay
for the content they receive will be asked to contribute to help the
institute break even, according to Gary Lopez, executive director, but
the prices will be as low as possible. Lopez said that community
colleges, which often lack the resources to develop online course
content, are likely to be some of the biggest beneficiaries of the

This article appears in the Chronicle of Higher Education, 8 September 2004 (subscription required).

Online Courses

I acquired this link from EDUPAGE, 8 September.


--Ten Efficient Strategies for Online Learning

The title says it all.


--Stress, Frustration, and Learning in the College Classroom

This article addresses the complex dynamic of emotions in the college classroom.

Stress...College Classroom

--Integrating Critical Thinking into the Online Classroom

Discussion on how critical thinking can be applied in an online medium.

Integrating Critical Thinking…Classroom

--ERIC Database

The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education, produces the world’s premier database of journal and non-journal education literature. The new ERIC online system, released September 2004, provides the public with a centralized ERIC Web site for searching the ERIC bibliographic database of more than 1.1 million citations going back to 1966. Effective October 1, more than 107,000 full-text non-journal documents (issued 1993-2004), previously available through fee-based services only, will be available for free.


ERIC Database


--Useful and Little-Known Applications of Adobe Acrobat 5.0

I don’t know about you, but I am using PDF files more and more in my classes, which means I have had to learn some of the intricacies of Adobe Acrobat. This article is a good primer on the use of this utility.

Adobe Acrobat

This is a 6-page PDF file.


TiVo's overriding philosophy is that everyone, no matter how busy, deserves to enjoy the home entertainment of their choosing, at their convenience," said TiVo CEO and co-founder Mike Ramsay. "People have lots of interests. TiVo lets you go out and live your life AND pursue those interests because it connects you to entertainment - to the content you care about, when you want it...


--Bookmarklet to Combat Password Woes

Having trouble keeping track of all your passwords? Well, this utility can help you out: Password Generator Bookmarket, created by Nic Wolff at 43 Folders.

How it works: {A} bookmarklet pops up a JavaScript prompt box asking for your "master" password, then MD5s it against the domain password, then MD5s it against the domain of the current login page and inserts the resulting hash in to any password fields on the page. A single password can be used for dozens of sites without any risk of a compromise of one account affecting the others.

Try it:

Password Generator Bookmarklet

--Synchronous Collaboration Tools for the Academic World

This is an audio file from Rome, Italy. In English

Synchronous Collaboration Tools


Want to play around with fonts? This utility is for you.


Web Design / Development

--Web Style Guide, 2nd Edition

In 160 pages of expert instruction, authors Patrick J. Lynch and Sarah Horton put the essence of the Yale University Center for Advanced Instructional Media's wonderful online site design guide into print.

--Web Design

This article addresses the need for a partnership between designer and user.

Web Design

Web Style Guide

--Universal Design Principles

The authors, a working group of architects, product designers, engineers and environmental design researchers, collaborated to establish the following Principles of Universal Design to guide a wide range of design disciplines including environments, products, and communications. These seven principles may be applied to evaluate existing designs, guide the design process and educate both designers and consumers about the characteristics of more usable products and environments.

Universal Design Principles

Library Science Knowledge Management

--Library-User Patterns in the Electronic Environment

There may be fewer people in your library these days but it doesn't mean they're not using it. "Results from the Web-based surveys showed that at the four academic health sciences libraries, there were approximately four remote networked electronic services users for each in-house user.

Library-User Patterns

This link acquired courtesy of Neat New Stuff I Found This Week
Copyright, Marylaine Block, 1999-2004.

--Digital Librarian Building Blocks

This site, from the California Digital Library provides software, best practices, and other tools to facilitate digital library operations.

Buidling Blocks

Blog Grab Bag


EarthScope is a bold undertaking to apply modern observational, analytical and telecommunications technologies to investigate the structure and evolution of the North American continent and the physical processes controlling earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

EarthScope will provide a foundation for fundamental and applied research throughout the United States that will contribute to the mitigation of risks from geological hazards, the development of natural resources, and the public’s understanding of the dynamic Earth.



Wattstax, the 1973 documentary directed by Mel Stuart. Background: In August 1972, seven years after the Watts riots, the legendary Stax recording label staged a benefit concert in Los Angeles for 90,000 people. As time went by, it became known as the Black Woodstock and is considered a cult classic.


--Nineteenth-Century English Novel

This is a companion Web site for a college-level course.

Nineteenth-Century English Novel

--Tall Buildings: The Museum of Modern Art

This is a macromedia presentation of the MOMA exhibition.

Tall Buildings

--How Do We Prepare for a World Without Cheap Oil?

This article is from Working Knowledge, Harvard Business School.

…World Without Cheap Oil

--WPS1: Art Radio

WPS1 presents a daily, 24-hour stream of music, talk and historic spoken-word programs focusing on contemporary art, music and literature from around the world. Censor-free.

Art Radio

--Monthly Labor Review Online

This publication is designed to brief readers on the latest and most important labor market information available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Monthly Labor Review


Mute: Mute Magazine was founded in 1994* to discuss the interrelationship of art and new technologies. Together with the web platform Metamute, it now contributes more broadly to debates on culture, politics and globaliation. In 2001, Mute initiated sister projects OpenMute and YouAreHere to share the internet tools and knowledge associated with its own development (OpenMute), and to support local networking initiatives in the East End of London (YouAreHere). At this point, Mute also committed itself over the longer term to a participative working model*, the principles of open organizations, and free software.


--Refugee Republic

Refugee Republic is a concept based on the ever increasing number of refugees, displaced persons and migrants. Refugee Republic is attempting to address the problem associated with this condition.

Refugee Republic

--Psychology Resources

Resources for college-level psychology classrooms.

Psychology Resources

--The Age of the Essay

This is one person’s perspective on what makes a good essay.

The Age of the Essay

--Physical Education Resources

Resources for physical education instructors.

Physical Education Resources

Until next week.

Blog editor


Faculty Development News This Week:


--International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

DATES: 21 to 24 October 2004, Bloomington, Indiana.

The goal of the International Society and the conference is to foster and disseminate inquiry on the factors that can best improve and articulate post-secondary learning and teaching and to encourage the application of the results broadly.

For more information:

Teaching and Learning Conference


--Into the Blogosphere

This online, edited collection explores discursive, visual, social, and other communicative features of weblogs. Essays analyze and critique situated cases and examples drawn from weblogs and weblog communities. Such a project requires a multidisciplinary approach, and contributions represent perspectives from Rhetoric, Communication, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Linguistics, and Education, among others.

Into the Blogosphere

--Weblogs in the Writing Classroom

This article addresses blogs and the writing process, with emphasis on audience considerations.

Weblogs in the Writing Classroom

--How to Start a Blog

Ideas and suggestions.

How to Start a Blog

Service Learning / Civic Engagement

-- IHCC Service Learning Coordinator Announcement

Trent Anderson, the IHCC Service Learning Coordinator, compiled this list of service learning events for September and October 2004.

Service Learning Events

September 8 Mark Langseth, Executive Director
Minnesota Campus Compact
Conference Room B
2 – 3 pm
Topics: Best Practices in Service Learning
Funding Sources for Service Learning Course Development

September 15 Service Learning Community Partner Fair
Community Partner Sites / Informational Booths

Conference Room A & Cafeteria
11 am – 2 pm

Minnesota Campus Compact Institutes
September & October, 2004
Brochures & Registration Forms
Available in H 303c
September 17-18 Service Learning in Management
Carlson School of Management
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

October 28-29 Civic Engagement Institute for Academic Leaders
Augsburg College, Minneapolis

October 29-30 Service Learning in the Arts
Minneapolis College of Art and Design

For additional information or to arrange for an individual meeting to plan for future Service Learning courses, contact: Trent Anderson
IHCC Service Learning Coordinator
H 303c

--Civic Education Network

Education for civic engagement and responsive governance were founding objectives of the political science profession at the beginning of the 20th century and remain essential for the 21st century.

Civic Education Network

--Introduction to Service Learning

Recommended reading list link provided.

Introduction to Service Learning

--Service Learning Links

Resources for service learning.

Service Learning Links

--Micro -Charity Network: Strengthen the Good

Strengthen the Good, STG, is the nexus of a network of bloggers committed to raising awareness for small charities around the world. Every three weeks this space highlights a new “micro-charity”—a small, inspiring charity, one with a real face and where $1 makes a difference—and the bloggers in the network link to that post, sending traffic, and awareness, the charity’s way.

Strengthen the Good


--Careers and the Study of Political Science

This guide is a great resource for today's undergraduate. This updated career guide explores the many career options available to political science students and emphasizes the value of political science training. In additional to providing specific information about various career paths, this guide will help students examine their own career preferences in the context of new technologies and global networks.

This is a for-purchase booklet.

Careers and Political Science

--College Students Need More Sleep

Lack of sleep among the college student population in the United States is a major health concern.

College Students Need More Sleep


--Wide Open Spaces: Wikis, Ready or Not

The pros and cons of wikis. This article is from the September-October 2004 issue of EDUCAUSE REVIEW.

Wide Open Spaces

--Wiki Model: UBC Wiki

This is an educational technology wiki at the University of British Columbia.

UBC Wiki

Mobile Learning / Game-Based Education

--Mobile Learning in Higher Education

This article is from the September-October 2004 issue of EDUCAUSE REVIEW.

Mobile Learning

This is a six-page PDF file.

--Game–Based Learning

This is from the September-October 2004 issue of EDUCAUSE REVIEW

Game-Based Learning

This is an 11-page PDF file.


--Arts Education and Cognitive Development

This is a study being conducted at Dartmouth College. This is from Dartmouth Online, Thursday, August 12, 2004.

Arts Education

--Should We Be Using Learning Styles?

Read the introduction:

{This} report serves two key purposes: first, {it} contributes to what we know about models of learning styles and to our knowledge of what these offer to teachers and learners. Second, the report identifies an agenda for further research: to evaluate rigorously key models in a variety of learning environments in order to better understand their merits and deficiencies. We publish this report in the spirit of stimulating debate and enabling knowledge of learning styles to be developed for the benefit of practice and policy.

Should We Be Using Learning Styles

This is an 84-page PDF file.

--Colleges Offer Gambling Classes

This article is from the Seattle Post, 1 September 2004.

Colleges Offer Gambling Classes


--Creative Commons Search Engine

The search engine is powered by Nutch open source search technology. You can limit your search by format (Audio, Image, Interactive, Text, Video). Two other limits are search limits are available: + Eliminate works with licenses that forbid commercial use. + Eliminate works with licenses that forbid derivative works. All indexed pages are cached locally. Like some other Nutch powered search tools, you'll also see a link that explains the computation that Nutch used to include the item on the results page.

This is currently in Beta.

Creative Commons Search Engine

--Free Open-Source Software for E-Learning

This site is from UNESCO

Open-Source Software

--Hypermedia Design Patterns Repository

The goal of this site is to allow a larger community to reuse design experience gathered by other designers of hypermedia and Web applications and systems, by providing useful design patterns.

Hypermedia Design


Haloscan provides a free, easy to use commenting system for blogs and Web sites.



Organizr {helps} you more easily store, sort, search and share your photos. Organizr is a powerful tool that enables you to quickly find and edit your photos, create sets and add your photos to group pools. Oh, yes-- Organizr runs right in your browser. There's nothing to install.


--Movable Type

Movable Type is an application that installs on your web server, providing a publishing platform for creating weblogs or news pages. Movable Type is flexible and is appropriate for use by web developers, professionals, organizations or businesses with customization needs. For a simpler start to weblogs, you can try our TypePad service, which includes all of Movable Type’s features on a centrally hosted server that requires no configuration.

A Movable Type license is available for free for personal, non-commercial use by anyone who does not want technical support.

Movable Type

--Free Photo Shop Download: OpticVerve

This is a useful tool for working with gif., jpg., tif. , bmp., and PDF. files.

Optic Verve

Blog Grab Bag

--Educational Blogging

This article is from the September-October 2004 issue of EDUCAUSE REVIEW.

Educational Blogging

This is an 8-page PDF file.

--The American Political Science Association Online

Lots of goodies here for political science teachers-scholars.

Political Science Resources

--Images of American Political History

Announcing Images of American Political History Images of American Political History is a collection of over 500 public domain images offered through the Teaching Politics Techniques & Technologies web site at

Images of American Political History

--Literature and the Internet: New Forms of Electronic Writing: Conference Proceedings / Papers

Even though the title of the conference seems to point to a formalist interest in electronic literature, the question of form is nearly absent from the discussion. Only two or three papers deal with specific electronic formats such as hypertext or time-based narratives on the Web. The papers are very heterogeneous, bringing many different perspectives to the discussion -- not merely the digital narrative and authorship questions so common in recent conferences about electronic writing. Participants deal with identity, pedagogical approaches to electronic formats, the Web as a publishing medium, and legal questions on copyright, among others.

Literature and the Internet

This link courtesy of
Hypertext Kitchen

Read the introduction to this interesting site:

Welcome to, a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations. NationMaster is a vast compilation of data from such sources as the CIA World Factbook, United Nations, World Health Organization, World Bank, World Resources Institute, UNESCO, UNICEF and OECD. Using the form above, you can generate maps and graphs on all kinds of statistics with ease

We currently have 4,350 stats, and this number is increasing all the time. We want to be the web's one-stop resource for country statistics on anything and everything, whether it be soldiers, Olympic medals, tourists, English speakers or wall plug voltages. You can also view profiles of individual countries including their maps and flags. You can use correlation reports and scatterplots to find relationships between variables. Integrated into these is a full encyclopedia with over 200,000 articles.

--Portals to the World

Portals to the World contain selective links providing authoritative, in-depth information about the nations and other areas of the world. They are arranged by country or area with the links for each sorted into a wide range of broad categories. The links were selected by Area Specialists and other library staff using Library of Congress selection criteria. When completed, the project will include all the nations of the world.

Portals to the World

--Voice of America Pronunciation Guide

This pronunciation guide of the names of many world figures (MILOSEVIC, SLOBODAN, pronounced slow-BO-dahn mee-LOW-sheh-vih-ch); organizations (AL QAIDA, pronounced al K-EYE-(eh)-duh); and other words of interest (AL-TUWAITHA, an Iraq nuclear facility, pronounced al-too-WAY-thah). Each entry comes with an audio file so that you can hear the correct pronunciation.

Voice of America Pronunciation Guide

--Disease Outbreak News

This is a site of the World Heath Organization.

Disease Outbreak News

--Country Briefings

The easy-to-navigate site includes well-researched and organized information provided by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) for sixty countries. Country-specific coverage includes recent articles, stock market data, related Web sites, a currency converter, and a country profile. The profile contains an abundance of data including economic forecasts and the political climate of each nation.

Country Briefings

--What Does It Take to be a Venture Capitalist / Entrepreneur?

This article for the Federal Reserve argues that, for the majority of people, wealth is not the primary constraint in becoming an entrepreneur. Matter of fact, as the paper points out, most entrepreneurs start their business with less than $10,000 in capital.

Do Liquidity Constraints Matter

--Opening Hooks

The idea behind this site is simple, to compile as large a collection of great opening hooks from as many titles, authors, and genres as possible. Of course, what makes a great opening sentence or paragraph is subjective, but we know it when we read it. This database will allow readers to share their favorites with each other and provide writers a chance to see what readers look for in an opening sentence.

Opening Hooks

--Visualization of Rhetorical Topics

This visualization is from The New York Times and displays the rhetoric chosen by republican and democratic speakers during a recent twenty-four-hour period. Nothing is really surprising here, but it is interesting to see nonetheless.

Visualization of Rhetoric

Until next week.

Blog editor