ruminators' ilk

faculty development, educational technologies, intellectual curieux, info provocations


Faculty Development News This Week:


--International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

DATES: 21 to 24 October 2004, Bloomington, Indiana.

The goal of the International Society and the conference is to foster and disseminate inquiry on the factors that can best improve and articulate post-secondary learning and teaching and to encourage the application of the results broadly.

For more information:

Teaching and Learning Conference


--Into the Blogosphere

This online, edited collection explores discursive, visual, social, and other communicative features of weblogs. Essays analyze and critique situated cases and examples drawn from weblogs and weblog communities. Such a project requires a multidisciplinary approach, and contributions represent perspectives from Rhetoric, Communication, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Linguistics, and Education, among others.

Into the Blogosphere

--Weblogs in the Writing Classroom

This article addresses blogs and the writing process, with emphasis on audience considerations.

Weblogs in the Writing Classroom

--How to Start a Blog

Ideas and suggestions.

How to Start a Blog

Service Learning / Civic Engagement

-- IHCC Service Learning Coordinator Announcement

Trent Anderson, the IHCC Service Learning Coordinator, compiled this list of service learning events for September and October 2004.

Service Learning Events

September 8 Mark Langseth, Executive Director
Minnesota Campus Compact
Conference Room B
2 – 3 pm
Topics: Best Practices in Service Learning
Funding Sources for Service Learning Course Development

September 15 Service Learning Community Partner Fair
Community Partner Sites / Informational Booths

Conference Room A & Cafeteria
11 am – 2 pm

Minnesota Campus Compact Institutes
September & October, 2004
Brochures & Registration Forms
Available in H 303c
September 17-18 Service Learning in Management
Carlson School of Management
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

October 28-29 Civic Engagement Institute for Academic Leaders
Augsburg College, Minneapolis

October 29-30 Service Learning in the Arts
Minneapolis College of Art and Design

For additional information or to arrange for an individual meeting to plan for future Service Learning courses, contact: Trent Anderson
IHCC Service Learning Coordinator
H 303c

--Civic Education Network

Education for civic engagement and responsive governance were founding objectives of the political science profession at the beginning of the 20th century and remain essential for the 21st century.

Civic Education Network

--Introduction to Service Learning

Recommended reading list link provided.

Introduction to Service Learning

--Service Learning Links

Resources for service learning.

Service Learning Links

--Micro -Charity Network: Strengthen the Good

Strengthen the Good, STG, is the nexus of a network of bloggers committed to raising awareness for small charities around the world. Every three weeks this space highlights a new “micro-charity”—a small, inspiring charity, one with a real face and where $1 makes a difference—and the bloggers in the network link to that post, sending traffic, and awareness, the charity’s way.

Strengthen the Good


--Careers and the Study of Political Science

This guide is a great resource for today's undergraduate. This updated career guide explores the many career options available to political science students and emphasizes the value of political science training. In additional to providing specific information about various career paths, this guide will help students examine their own career preferences in the context of new technologies and global networks.

This is a for-purchase booklet.

Careers and Political Science

--College Students Need More Sleep

Lack of sleep among the college student population in the United States is a major health concern.

College Students Need More Sleep


--Wide Open Spaces: Wikis, Ready or Not

The pros and cons of wikis. This article is from the September-October 2004 issue of EDUCAUSE REVIEW.

Wide Open Spaces

--Wiki Model: UBC Wiki

This is an educational technology wiki at the University of British Columbia.

UBC Wiki

Mobile Learning / Game-Based Education

--Mobile Learning in Higher Education

This article is from the September-October 2004 issue of EDUCAUSE REVIEW.

Mobile Learning

This is a six-page PDF file.

--Game–Based Learning

This is from the September-October 2004 issue of EDUCAUSE REVIEW

Game-Based Learning

This is an 11-page PDF file.


--Arts Education and Cognitive Development

This is a study being conducted at Dartmouth College. This is from Dartmouth Online, Thursday, August 12, 2004.

Arts Education

--Should We Be Using Learning Styles?

Read the introduction:

{This} report serves two key purposes: first, {it} contributes to what we know about models of learning styles and to our knowledge of what these offer to teachers and learners. Second, the report identifies an agenda for further research: to evaluate rigorously key models in a variety of learning environments in order to better understand their merits and deficiencies. We publish this report in the spirit of stimulating debate and enabling knowledge of learning styles to be developed for the benefit of practice and policy.

Should We Be Using Learning Styles

This is an 84-page PDF file.

--Colleges Offer Gambling Classes

This article is from the Seattle Post, 1 September 2004.

Colleges Offer Gambling Classes


--Creative Commons Search Engine

The search engine is powered by Nutch open source search technology. You can limit your search by format (Audio, Image, Interactive, Text, Video). Two other limits are search limits are available: + Eliminate works with licenses that forbid commercial use. + Eliminate works with licenses that forbid derivative works. All indexed pages are cached locally. Like some other Nutch powered search tools, you'll also see a link that explains the computation that Nutch used to include the item on the results page.

This is currently in Beta.

Creative Commons Search Engine

--Free Open-Source Software for E-Learning

This site is from UNESCO

Open-Source Software

--Hypermedia Design Patterns Repository

The goal of this site is to allow a larger community to reuse design experience gathered by other designers of hypermedia and Web applications and systems, by providing useful design patterns.

Hypermedia Design


Haloscan provides a free, easy to use commenting system for blogs and Web sites.



Organizr {helps} you more easily store, sort, search and share your photos. Organizr is a powerful tool that enables you to quickly find and edit your photos, create sets and add your photos to group pools. Oh, yes-- Organizr runs right in your browser. There's nothing to install.


--Movable Type

Movable Type is an application that installs on your web server, providing a publishing platform for creating weblogs or news pages. Movable Type is flexible and is appropriate for use by web developers, professionals, organizations or businesses with customization needs. For a simpler start to weblogs, you can try our TypePad service, which includes all of Movable Type’s features on a centrally hosted server that requires no configuration.

A Movable Type license is available for free for personal, non-commercial use by anyone who does not want technical support.

Movable Type

--Free Photo Shop Download: OpticVerve

This is a useful tool for working with gif., jpg., tif. , bmp., and PDF. files.

Optic Verve

Blog Grab Bag

--Educational Blogging

This article is from the September-October 2004 issue of EDUCAUSE REVIEW.

Educational Blogging

This is an 8-page PDF file.

--The American Political Science Association Online

Lots of goodies here for political science teachers-scholars.

Political Science Resources

--Images of American Political History

Announcing Images of American Political History Images of American Political History is a collection of over 500 public domain images offered through the Teaching Politics Techniques & Technologies web site at

Images of American Political History

--Literature and the Internet: New Forms of Electronic Writing: Conference Proceedings / Papers

Even though the title of the conference seems to point to a formalist interest in electronic literature, the question of form is nearly absent from the discussion. Only two or three papers deal with specific electronic formats such as hypertext or time-based narratives on the Web. The papers are very heterogeneous, bringing many different perspectives to the discussion -- not merely the digital narrative and authorship questions so common in recent conferences about electronic writing. Participants deal with identity, pedagogical approaches to electronic formats, the Web as a publishing medium, and legal questions on copyright, among others.

Literature and the Internet

This link courtesy of
Hypertext Kitchen

Read the introduction to this interesting site:

Welcome to, a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations. NationMaster is a vast compilation of data from such sources as the CIA World Factbook, United Nations, World Health Organization, World Bank, World Resources Institute, UNESCO, UNICEF and OECD. Using the form above, you can generate maps and graphs on all kinds of statistics with ease

We currently have 4,350 stats, and this number is increasing all the time. We want to be the web's one-stop resource for country statistics on anything and everything, whether it be soldiers, Olympic medals, tourists, English speakers or wall plug voltages. You can also view profiles of individual countries including their maps and flags. You can use correlation reports and scatterplots to find relationships between variables. Integrated into these is a full encyclopedia with over 200,000 articles.

--Portals to the World

Portals to the World contain selective links providing authoritative, in-depth information about the nations and other areas of the world. They are arranged by country or area with the links for each sorted into a wide range of broad categories. The links were selected by Area Specialists and other library staff using Library of Congress selection criteria. When completed, the project will include all the nations of the world.

Portals to the World

--Voice of America Pronunciation Guide

This pronunciation guide of the names of many world figures (MILOSEVIC, SLOBODAN, pronounced slow-BO-dahn mee-LOW-sheh-vih-ch); organizations (AL QAIDA, pronounced al K-EYE-(eh)-duh); and other words of interest (AL-TUWAITHA, an Iraq nuclear facility, pronounced al-too-WAY-thah). Each entry comes with an audio file so that you can hear the correct pronunciation.

Voice of America Pronunciation Guide

--Disease Outbreak News

This is a site of the World Heath Organization.

Disease Outbreak News

--Country Briefings

The easy-to-navigate site includes well-researched and organized information provided by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) for sixty countries. Country-specific coverage includes recent articles, stock market data, related Web sites, a currency converter, and a country profile. The profile contains an abundance of data including economic forecasts and the political climate of each nation.

Country Briefings

--What Does It Take to be a Venture Capitalist / Entrepreneur?

This article for the Federal Reserve argues that, for the majority of people, wealth is not the primary constraint in becoming an entrepreneur. Matter of fact, as the paper points out, most entrepreneurs start their business with less than $10,000 in capital.

Do Liquidity Constraints Matter

--Opening Hooks

The idea behind this site is simple, to compile as large a collection of great opening hooks from as many titles, authors, and genres as possible. Of course, what makes a great opening sentence or paragraph is subjective, but we know it when we read it. This database will allow readers to share their favorites with each other and provide writers a chance to see what readers look for in an opening sentence.

Opening Hooks

--Visualization of Rhetorical Topics

This visualization is from The New York Times and displays the rhetoric chosen by republican and democratic speakers during a recent twenty-four-hour period. Nothing is really surprising here, but it is interesting to see nonetheless.

Visualization of Rhetoric

Until next week.

Blog editor


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