ruminators' ilk

faculty development, educational technologies, intellectual curieux, info provocations


Faculty Development News This Week:

Course Evaluations

--Templates for Course Evaluations

Interested in designing your own course evaluation to use in your classes?

The Office of Educational Assessment (OEA), Washington University, offers templates for a variety of course evaluations. OEA is nationally recognized for its services in course evaluation, testing, and test scoring services and provides a variety of evaluation and assessment services to the Washington University community and outside agencies.

Course Evaluation Forms

--"Friendly Course Evaluations"

This article suggests having each student write a letter to a friend about your course as a course evaluation method. According to the author, this open-ended method provides useful information on what students have learned and what they thought of the course.

Friendly Course Evaluations


--"Cognitive Apprenticeship as Pedagogical Strategy"

"Cognitive apprenticeship is a method for teaching cognitive skills that eschews the use of abstract terms in favor of making concepts visible— showing rather than telling. This teaching method can be applied to the uses of classroom discussion in a variety of settings."

Read the article:

Cognitive Apprenticeship

--"How Students Learn"

How to nurture and maximize classroom learning.

How Students Learn

--"Introducing Active Learning with Movie Clips"

This is a QuickTimePlayer presentation.

Introducing Active Learning

--"Information Literacy as a Liberal Art"

This article provides a pedagogical approach that "equips people not only with a bunch of technical skills but with a broad, integrated and critical perspective on the contemporary world of knowledge and information."

Information Literacy

--"Critical Thinking Strategies"

How to moderate critical thinking in the classroom or in panel discussions.

Critical Thinking Strategies

This is a 38-page PDF file.

--"The Right to Know"

Academic freedom in class discussion.

The Right to Know

--Developing Discourse Communities around the Scholarship of Teaching"

"The scholarship of teaching can flourish only with the development of communities of scholars who share, critique, and build upon each other's work."

Developinging Discourse Communities

--"Keeping Teachers' Voices in Balance"

How to choreograph a student-centered class discussion.

Keeping Teachers' Voices in Balance


--Managing Student Behavior

For a thought-provoking view of student responsibility in the classroom, read one professor's letter to his students:


--Humor in the College Classroom

This article is from the journal Community College Week:


--Classroom Management

This is a power point presentation on "tips for a great community college class."

Classroom Management

--Creating Inclusive College Classrooms

What is an inclusive classroom?

"Inclusive classrooms are classrooms in which instructors and students work together to create and sustain an environment in which everyone feels safe, supported, and encouraged to express her or his views and concerns. In these classrooms, the content is explicitly viewed from the multiple perspectives and varied experiences of a range of groups. Content is presented in a manner that reduces all students' experiences of marginalization and, wherever possible, helps students understand that individuals' experiences, values, and perspectives influence how they construct knowledge in any field or discipline."

Read more:

Inclusive Classrooms

Teaching Methods

--Using Case Studies in Teaching

Case-based teaching allows students to develop skills in analytical thinking and reflective judgment by reading and discussing complex, real-life scenarios. The articles in this Web site explain how to use cases in teaching and provide case studies for the natural sciences, social sciences, and other disciplines.

Case Study in Teaching

--Creating Effective Learning Climates

The articles in this Web site address issues to assist instructors improve the learning climate for all students.

Creating Effective Learning Climates

--How to Have Positive Race, Class, and Gender Dynamics in the Classroom

Some suggestions for handling, race, class, ethnicity and gender issues in the classroom.

Classroom Dynamics

--Cognitive Apprenticeship

This article is available on the National Teaching and Learning Forum (NTLF) Web site. The NTLF has a wealth of information on all aspects of teaching and learning. Although this site is subscription-based, there is some free material available.

Cognitive Apprenticeship

--"Educating in Fractal Patterns"

This article suggests that college instructors should think of education in terms of fractal patterns. Thought-provoking.

Educating in Fractal Patterns

The Blog Grab Bag

--The Center for Working Class Studies.

This is "the first center of its kind in the United States devoted to the study of working-class life and culture. The CWCS creates social spaces for civic and academic conversations on working-class life and culture and its intersections with race, gender, and sexuality and serves as a clearinghouse for information on working-class culture, issues, and pedagogy. More than an intellectual project, the CWCS is also engaged with the broader society, providing assistance in creating a culture of organizing and education within working-class institutions and society"

The Center for Working Class Studies

--Capital and Class

Capital and Class is a mailing list on research teaching issues related to Marxist political economy.

Capital and Class

--National Jobs for All Coalition

"The National Jobs for All Coalition is committed to building a new movement ffull employmentent at livable wages. This goal unites a diverse group of otherwise divided, single-issue constituencies. The Coalition includes individuals and organizations with a wide range of interests--workers', women's, children's and seniors' rights, civil rights, and economic justice."

National Jobs for All Coalition

--Think Tank: The Economic Policy Institute

The Economic Policy Institute is a "nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank that seeks to broaden the public debate about strategies to achieve a prosperous and fair economy. EPI was established in 1986 to broaden the discussion about economic policy to include the interests of low- and middle-income workers. Their mission is to provide high-quality research and education in order to promote a prosperous, fair, and sustainable economy." Free mailing list available.

The Economic Policy Institute

--Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender History

The Web site People with a History provides an online guide to
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history.

People with a History

--Web Is Dead

A play in two acts.

Web is Dead

--Mental Multivitamin

This is a daily blog for "readers, thinkers, autodidacts."

Mental Multivitamin

--Radical Innovation and Social Software

This is a blog devoted to community intelligence and social software.

What is social software?

"Social software allows us to create new social groupings and then new sorts of social conventions arise. ... And this new software will support David Weinberger's notion of enabling groups to form and self-organize rather than have structure or organization imposed.... Social software reflects the "juice" that arises from people's personal interactions. It's not about control, it's about co-evolution: people in personal contact, interacting towards their own ends, influencing each other. But there isn't a single clearly defined project, per se."

Intrigued? Then visit:

Radical Innovation and Social Software Blog

--Cyber Times Navigator

"Navigator is the home page used by the newsroom of The New York Times for forays into the Web." Designed for reporters and editors, this selective list provides briefly annotated links and is updated frequently. Covers areas such as search
engines, sites with materials for journalists, reference sources, telephone directories, online publications,politics, New York, commerce, entertainment, and sports.

This site does require free registration.


--PLoS: Public Library of Science

PLoS "is a non-profit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource." PLoS offers its searchable and browsable PLoS Biology journal as an "open access" publication such that "everything is immediately available without cost to anyone, anywhere -- to read, download, redistribute, include in databases, and
otherwise use."


--Recall: Search The [Internet] Archive

Find old Web sites, view earlier versions of sites, and dig up information about the people and places of the Web of "long ago. "Recall is a search engine at the Internet Archive that indexes the text of over 11 billion pages. The archive
has pages dating back to 1996 through the present day. The About page provides extensive search tips.


--The Workplace Bullying and Trauma Institute (WBTI)

Do you have a bully in your life? Read about this Web site:

"The dual mission of this organization is to raise societal awareness of ... health-endangering work place psychological violence" and to create and communicate long-term, research-based solutions for individuals, employers and public policy makers. The site offers a definition of the phenomenon of workplace bullying, a report on abusive workplaces, bullying studies tutorials for targets and their families, legal remedies, a list of employment attorneys, proposed anti-bullying laws and ordinances, and links."

Bullying Institute

--OneLook: Reverse Dictionary

OneLook offers a new reverse-dictionary service at
Reverse Dictionary. Recall's reverse dictionary allows you to enter a word or group of words describing a concept and get results consisting of related words.


IDEAS is "the largest bibliographic database dedicated to economics and available on the Internet. Over 200,000 items of research can be browsed or searched, and over 110,000 can be downloaded in full text." Useful for public policy and finance issues as well as pure economics.


--Libraries Change Lives Award

This United Kingdom site celebrates the value of libraries to people and their communities. Take a look at previous award winners and ask yourself why our own library here at Inver Hills isn't celebrating its effects on people's lives this way every year, with college-wide recognition?

Libraries Change Lives

--The Memory Hole

This is a list of videos from the Congressional Research Service. As you may know,
Congressional Research Service videos and reports are not generally available online unless members of congress have linked them on their websites, but they're available free if you request them from your representative.

Memory Hole has preserved 300 CRS reports at The Memory Hole. The widely ranging topics of videos and reports include bioterrorism, immigration, social security reform, AIDS in Africa, the CAFE Standards, child support enforcement, identity theft, etc.

This is a wonderful resource.

--New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy

This third edition is freely available from Bartleby and is searchable and browsable. Entries have internal links to related concepts, so it's easy to explore a topic more fully.

Dictionary of Cultural Literacy

--Open Archives Forum

The Open Archives Forum offers a free online tutorial for beginners who want to do work by way of open archive methodology "The essence of the open archives approach is to enable access to Web-accessible material through interoperable repositories for metadata sharing, publishing and archiving." This tutorial is an introduction to the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting.

OAF Tutorial

--Virtual Eco-Sphere

This site invites you to "build an ecosphere without getting your hands dirty." Choose your soils, plants, and animals, and then watch the simulation to see what happens.

Virtual Ecosphere

Until next week!

Blog editor

Faculty Development News This Week:

Faculty Development News This Week:

Faculty Development News This Week:

Faculty Development News This Week:

Faculty Development News This Week:

Faculty Development News This Week:

CTL at Inver Hills

--Faculty Roundtable: Panel Discussion on Handling Difficlut Student Behavior


Faculty Development News This Week:

Teaching Resources

--The Teacher's Guide to the U.S. Department of Education

This site is intended to make the U.S. Department of Education more accessible to teachers.

The Teacher's Guide

--The Center for Futurism in Education

Education for the twenty-first century? Here is the mission statement for this Israeli site.

The Center for Futurism in Education at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev was established by the Israeli Ministry of Education and the Ben-Gurion University in order to "advance and foster paradigmatic changes in the Israeli education system. Guiding the Center's activities is the understanding that:

a. Current educational paradigms cannot provide answers to the challenges posed by the recent rapid transition to a post-industrial (or post-modern) information society and those serious answers to these challenges require the readiness to try out radically new educational paradigms.

b. The new suggested educational paradigms, processes, models and curricula should be based on macro-strategic thinking. Such thinking should rely on one hand on the understanding of the implications of the post-industrial information revolutions for education and on the other hand on a coherent, operational set of humanistic values."

Visit the site:

The Center for Futurism in Education

Think Tanks: Conservative, Centrist, Liberal, and New-Age

--The Center for Democracy and Technology

This organization works to promote democratic values and constitutional liberties in the digital age. Read the mission statement:

"The Center for Democracy and Technology works to promote democratic values and constitutional liberties in the digital age. With expertise in law, technology, and policy, CDT seeks practical solutions to enhance free expression and privacy in global communications technologies. CDT is dedicated to building consensus among all parties interested in the future of the Internet and other new communications media".

The Center for Democracy and Technology


CIRCLE, the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement,
promotes research on the "civic and political engagement of Americans between the ages of 15 and 25."


--The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institute. All thirty of Heritage's policy issue pages feature "archived research, expert contact information, and links to related interactive products."

The Heritage Foundation

--The Brookings Institution

This is the think tank utilized by the Bush administration.

The Brookings Institution


Non-profit research and analysis institute. Although centrist to conservative, recommended for reliable data.


--The Wandwaver Solution

The Wandwaver Solution is "a proposal and an unbudgeted plan for revolutionary change in the university (as an instrument of higher education around the world). While the change is revolutionary in scope, it can be achieved through well-defined, well-tested evolutionary processes, which minimize the costs of transformation while still carrying out essential functions." Associated with George Mason University, Virginia.

The Wandwaver Solution

--The Electronic Policy Network

"....Our goal is to improve collaboration and dialogue between policy and grassroots organizations, and to promote their work to journalists and legislators.
Moving Ideas posts the best ideas and resources from leading progressive research and advocacy institutions, as well as promotes high-quality websites and publishes original content. We hope to strengthen democratic participation by providing a more inclusive and intelligible debate about the issues that shape our world."

The Electronic Policy Network

--The Russell Sage Foundation

This is a liberal think tank focusing on research in the social sciences.

The Russell Sage Foundation

--The Urban Institute

The Urban Institute" measures effects, compares options, shows which stakeholders get the most and least, tests conventional wisdom, reveals trends, and makes costs, benefits, and risks explicit." Recommended.

The Urban Institute


--The Virtual University Gazette

The Virtual University Gazette is a free monthly e-mail newsletter and webzine for practitioners and students of distance learning. It announces new programs, jobs in distance learning, and news of new events in virtual learning

The Virtual University Gazette

-- Distance Education: The Wellspring

This site is useful for ideas and resources applicable to E-learning.

Read the mission statement:

"The Wellspring is a collaborative project from Instructional Systems Inc. and members of the Teachers College, Columbia University community. It is devoted to the needs of Distance Educators using the World Wide Web to deliver post-secondary courses to their students. Our primary focus is on Web-based asynchronous courses, many of which are available from ISI, but most of the topics in the Discussion Forums and Reading Rooms are broadly applicable to Distance Learning regardless of delivery mechanism. We frequently add new readings and links to this site, so we encourage you to visit often. The threaded discussions in our Discussion Forums and chats in our Seminar Sessions feature continually evolving conversations that go where you take them."

The Wellspring

--World Lecture Hall

This site contains pointers to pages created by faculty worldwide who are using the web to deliver course material. The site is useful for ideas in course content as well as graphic design models.

World Lecture Hall

--E-Learning Task Force

Eighteen members of Estrella Mountain Community College took eight months (November 11, 2001 - June 2, 2002) to conduct a broad investigation into the best practices related to learning with technology.

Here is their report:

E-Learning Task Force

--Pedagogy and E-Learning: Learning Circuits Blog

Want to read a rant against E-learning?

Here you are.

We Are the Problem

Blog Grab Bag

--Journalism: The American Journalism Review News Link

This page enables you to go to a number of online newspapers and journals classified by geographical region and type. The left sidebar also enables you to go to a number of other Internet resources.

News Link

--Cross-Disciplinary / Multi-Disciplinary: Critical Thinking Rubric

This critical thinking applications site is sponsored by Washington State University.

The Critical Thinking Rubric

--Economics / Sociology/ Political Science: The Digital Death Rattle of the American Middle Class: A Cautionary Tale

This thought-provoking article is from CTHEORY, an international journal of theory, technology, and culture. C-Theory publishes articles, interviews, event-scenes and reviews of key books. Free mailing list available.

Digital Death Rattle

--Art / Graphic Design: netbaroque

Abstract: "Voice place of disappearance, Naxsmash traces a subjective topology built from a breath inside a screen. Nascent +/- destructive, a sense of place mediates, from behind the screen, an experience of the uncanny and surrreal. Some notes on the strange experience of online and performance installation in the wake of traumatic memory."

Huh? Neat graphics and audio, though!

Naxmash Project

--English/ Linguistics/ Cultural Studies: Word Spy

Word Spy! is "devoted to recently coined words and phrases, and to old words that are being used in new ways. These aren't stunt words" or sniglets, but new terms that have appeared in newspapers, magazines, books, Web sites, and other recorded sources."

Word Spy

--Nursing and Public Health : DIPEx: Personal Experiences of Health and Illness

On this British site"you can watch, listen to or read [patient] interviews, learn more about the illness and its treatments as well as where to find support and more
detailed medical information for a variety of diseases including hypertension, several cancers, epilepsy, and congenital heart disease. Some of the information is
specific to the British healthcare system."


--Forensics: Interactive Investigator: Your Introduction to the World of Forensic Science/Detective Interactif: Une Introduction aux Sciences Judiciaires

Here is what this site provides:

"You will be able to obtain general information and anintroduction to the main aspects of forensic science from database on the subject. You can also explore a Historical Cabinet containing actual evidence gathered from crime scenes throughout this century." Includes a timelina bibliographyphy, and a game in which you can "use your newly acquired knowledge to solve a heinous crime." This site is sponsored by the
Virtual Museum of Canada. Available in English and French.

Forensic Science


The Nutrition Information and Resource Center (NIRC) at Pennsylvania State University "provides links to sites and materials relating to various nutrition topics,
including general nutrition information, nutrition for various age groups, fitness and sports nutritionutritionion for chronic disease states, and nutrition for people with
limited resources. Also includes bibliographies, and links to nutrition news and community resources."


--Journalism and Public Relations: Spin of the Day

Public relations, propaganda, and media spin revealed.

Spin of the Day

--Cultural Studies: Japanese Tea Ceremony

This Web site,TeaHyakka, presents articles and information about the Japanese tea ceremony. It features sections on the history of the tea ceremony, the tea room, traditional Japanese fabrics, and philosophy. Also includes a directory of tea ceremony classes and related links. In English and Japanese.

Japanese Tea Ceremony

--Civic Engagement: YES!

The Web site for the Positive Futures Network and its magazine, Yes! The Journal of Positive Futures,"provide articles and resources dedicated to "supporting people's active engagement in creating a just, sustainable, and compassionate world." The site includes articles from the magazine, classroom materials, and discussion and resource guides on topics such as voting, democracy, and activism." Searchable.

Yes Magazine

--Psychology / Heath Science: The American Institute of Stress

Just in time for end-of-term blues and the holiday season:

Why is There More Stress Today?

Visit the Web site of the American Institute of Stress:

The American Institute of Stress

--Intellectual lark: How are Legos Manufactured?

This site provides a virtual tour of the manufacturing process of Legos. Macromedia plug-in required.

Lego Factory

Until next week!

Blog editor

**Image Credits
"Lego Man," imagevieil.htm


Faculty Development News This Week:

Faculty Development at Inver Hills

--Salon: "Revival and Family Nationalism"

Dr. Richard Nelson, history, is the facilitator-speaker for the next Inver Hills Community College Salon, Wednesday, 19 November, 4-6 PM, Heritage Hall 203.

Read Richard's abstract:

Families and nations, the classical Greek dramatists insisted, are entwined with ambition and war. Modern families continue to be entwined with economic ambition, nationalist aspirations and war. Perhaps, therefore, family values is the place to reflect on the sources of those revolutionary political and religious movements which promise to transform the world.

I will explore this possibility by looking at the Civil War and Reconstruction as a form of family national revival. To do so, I will consider a first family of the early republic, The Thomas family of Portland, Maine. Not only did the father wed capitalism with religion in the great awakening associated with Jacksonian Democracy, but his sons added nationalism to a great revival movement that began in the 1850s and led to Civil War, then spread over the whole country afterwards. One son, Henry, led black soldiers and worked in the Freedman's Bureau to build a new black peasant society of virtuous citizen farmers. At the same time, his brother, William, initiated a scheme to create a northern kingdom of Swedes from Maine and Southern Canada to the Pacific Ocean. Not only were they motivated by family duty and honor to square wealth with public service, but they believed they could create a rebirth of national identity by northern and southern versions of Reconstruction around family ideals. The defeat of both dreams by World War I marked the waning of the great family national revival of 1850-1917. Racism and fear of foreign influences and people filled the vacuum left by disappointed dreams of national revitalization.

Does the 19th century pattern of family national revivalism persist today? Is the Kennedy era of Camelot, the Reagan Revolution and the younger Bush administration a single family national revival movement? Is it waxing or waning? What can we expect from either case?

This salon is sponsored by the Inver Hills Faculty Development Committee

--Faculty Roundtable:" Stress and How to Manage Yours"

Dr. Kathleen DeDeyn is the speaker for the next Faculty Roundtable, Tuesday, November 18, 12:00-1:00 PM, Conference Room B, Student Center. A light luncheon will be served, so RSVP by clicking on Comment below.

The Faculty Roundtable is sponsored by Shannon Marting, Active Learning Advocate, and Colette Wanless-Sobel, CTL Liaison. Funds are provided by CTL/MNSCU.


--Motivating Today's Students

This is an article from ERIC, Educational Resources Information Center.

Motivating Today's Students

--Teaching in the Twenty-First Century

This article from The Gazette,the newspaper of Johns Hopkins University, considers teaching for today's student demographic.

Teaching in the Brave New World

--Active Learning

This article looks at student resistance to active learning.

Do Students Want to Be Active?

--Experiential Learning

This article discusses the pluses and minuses of experiential learning.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Using Experiential Learning in the Classroom

--Learning-Centered Paradigms

This article discusses the support faculty need to achieve learning-centered classrooms.

Read the article:

Providing Support for Faculty Who Wish to Shift to a Learning-Centered Paradigm

--Promoting Critical Thinking

This article provides a rubric for designing assignments and course curricula to promote critical thinking.

Essential Elements of Lessons Designed to Promote Critical Thinking

--Critical Pedagogy

What is critical pedagogy?

"Critical pedagogy takes as a central concern the issue of power in the teaching and learning context. It focuses on how and in whose interests knowledge is produced and 'passed on' and view the ideal aims of education as emancipatory."

Critical Pedagogy

--Active Learning and Adult Students

This article is from the Web site The Center for Adult Learning and Educational Credentials, American Council on Education.

Innovations...Active Learning and the Adult Student

--Teaching Reasoning

This site features resources to promote the teaching of reasoning, critical thinking, and problem solving across the curriculum

...Teaching Reasoning

-- Book: Teaching and Learning in College

Teaching and Learning in College: A Resource for Educators,4th edition, Gary S. Wheeler, editor (2002); 199 pages; $39.95

Read the review on this book:

Teaching and Learning in College: A Resource for Educators

--Journal: Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and of Learning

The purpose of the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL) "is to develop an electronic community of those interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning."

Read more about JoSoTL:

The Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Distance Education and the Internet

-Online Collaborative Learning

"This is a web site devoted to world's best practice in online collaborative learning in higher education, and related topics: here you'll find links to online articles, books, journals, and other relevant information. We hope that the information provided here will be of use to researchers and practitioners working in this area." this site is sponsored by Central Queensland University, Australia.

Online Collaborative Learning in Higher Education

--Blended Learning Models

"The term blended learning is used to describe a solution that combines several different delivery methods, such as collaboration software, Web-based courses, EPSS, and knowledge management practices. Blended learning also is used to describe learning that mixes various event-based activities, including face-to-face classrooms, live e-learning, and self-paced learning. Unfortunately, there's no single formula that guarantees learning..." Here are some guidelines on how to choreograph your learning activities.

Blended Learning

--On Ramp

This site includes links to valuable information databases, articles, and resources in the education, distance learning, and the Internet. Highly recommended.

On Ramp: Social

--e-Learning Guild

Here is what the Web site says about this organization:

"The eLearning Guild is a Community of Practice for designers, developers, and managers of e-Learning. Through this member driven community we provide high-quality learning opportunities, networking services, resources, and publications. Community members represent a diverse group of instructional designers, content developers, web developers, project managers, contractors, consultants, and managers and directors of training and learning services who work in corporate, government, and academic organizations. All members share a common interest in e-Learning design, development, and management."

Interested? To find out more, click on The Learning Guild

--E-Learning Guru

Here is this site's motto:

"Life is short. Have fun, learn, and have fun helping others learn."

Intrigued? Visit the site.

The E-Learning Guru


--"Creativity in Science and Engineering"

Although this article focuses on creativity in science and engineering, it is applicable to all disciplines. Here is what the author says about his purpose:

"The purposes of this essay are to (1) quickly examine some of the personality traits that are associated with unusual creativity and innovation and (2) to criticize management and educational techniques that penalize or discourage creativity. The way to increase the productivity of creative people is simple: give them resources ...and stand out of their way!"

Creativity in Science and Engineering

--"Creative Conversations...."

This article considers the cultural and organizational contexts of creativity, along with the characteristics that comprise a creative individual or institution. Useful article, despite emphasis on economic necessity of creativity.

Virtual Value: Conversation, Ideas, and the Creative Economy This is a 28-page PDF file.

--"Welcome to the Ideaopolis

How to build intellectual capital. Again, although this article speaks from an economic development perspective, this time for urban communities, it is an interesting discussion on building creative and dynamic communities of all kinds.

Ideopolis This is a 42-page PDF file.

Technology and Community

--The Gurten Knowledge Letter

"The Gurten Knowledge-Letter is a free knowledge management newsletter to help you better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and interest in subjects such as Knowledge Management, Learning, Creativity and the effective use of Internet technology. " Free online subscription.

Gurten Knowledge Letter

--Cyber Community-Building

"Communities in Cyberspace is devoted to exploring new forms of social organization and the changing concepts of community as social groups develop within computer networks. Contributors examine changes in the nature of personal identity, social organization and the connections between real-world communities and their extensions in cyberspace."

Visit the site:
Communities in Cyberspace

The Blog Grab Bag

--Gender and Sexuality

This online journal publishes texts which address gender studies and queer studies, with a particular focus upon discussions of sex, gender, sexual identity and sexuality in cultural practices.

Gender and Sexuality

--Combating Heterosexism and Homophobia in the Classroom

For a perspective on how to achieve sexual diversity and sexual orientation equality in the classroom, read the article:

Overcoming Heterosexism and Homophobia.

--Edsitement Humanities Site

Sponsored by the National endowment for the Humanities, this site is a rich resource
for the humanities.


--National Library of Education

United States federal government's resource center for education information.
Searchable archives.

National Library of Education

--National Academic Advising Association

This site focuses on advising as an integral part of the academic experience. Publications are not available online, but keyword searches will provide some theoretical and methodological approaches.

National Academic Advising

--Art on the Web

This site offers art history links, 19th and 20th centuries. Searchable.

19th and 20th Century Art Links

--Case Studies for Business

This is a free educational resource for students, teachers and lecturers of business studies. The Times 100 brings business studies theory to life with case studies on real companies, written by leading business studies textbook authors and linked to all exam specifications. Click here for more information about The Times 100.

Times 100

--World Economic Forum

"The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world. The Forum provides a collaborative framework for the world's leaders to address global issues,engaging particularly its corporate members in global citizenship." Pro-business in orientation.

World Economic Forum

--Historical Research

This site provides guidelines on how to conduct historical research.

Doing History: A Guide to Historical Research

--ESL Resource

ESL comprehension Web site. Offers special features such as a sound effects library.

Randall's ESL Cyber- Listening Lab

Until next week!

Blog editor


Faculty Development News This Week:

Faculty Development Seminars / Programs

--Inver Hills Faculty Roundtable

Inver Hills Faculty Roundtable
Speaker: Dr. Kathleen DeDeyn
Date: November 18, Tuesday
Time: 12-1
Location: Conference Boom B, Student Center

The next Faculty Roundtable is scheduled for Tuesday, November 18, 12-1, Conference Room B, Student Center and will feature Kathleen DeDeyn, pictured above, from physical education. Kathleen's topic is "Stress and How to Handle Yours. " Here is the abstract for her presentation:

A look at what causes your stress, the physical and psychological ramifications of stress, and practice in several techniques to help manage your stress, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, autogenics, visualization, meditation, exercise, and more."

A light lunch will be served. Please RSVP by contacting Colette Wanless-Sobel or Shannon Marting, so there will be enough food. Do we accommodate vegetarian requests? Yes. Just be sure to let us know your preference when you RSVP.

--Faculty Development Abroad

International Faculty Development Seminars' (IFDS) goal is to encourage U.S. colleges and universities to internationalize curricula. Hosted by prestigious academic institutions abroad, "the seminars are short-term, intensive experiences that offer you updates on global issues and regions that are shaping the course of world events; introductions to scholarly communities overseas; idea exchanges with international colleagues; the opportunity to re-examine your own discipline within an international context; global perspectives to incorporate into your administration, teaching and research. " International Faculty Development Seminars span the globe with more than 125 programs in 35 countries.

International Faculty Development Seminars

--Faculty Development Articles

This site offers a variety of articles and resources on faculty development and education, with special emphasis on information technology. The articles and
Web links were used as conference material for PT3, Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology.

Take a look:

Faculty Development

--Faculty Development Resources: Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada

This site offers numerous links to university centers of instructional and faculty development.

Office of Instructional Development and Technology

--Faculty Development Resources: Accounting

Just as it reads, this site, sponsored by the American Accounting Association, promotes faculty development for accounting instructors.

Faculty Development for Accounting

--Faculty Development Resources: Stanford University

Highly recommended:

Speaking of Teaching, Stanford University.


HEWLETT PACKARD will award over $10 million in cash and equipment
to K-12, community college and university faculty using mobile technology in innovative ways to improve student learning. Applications are due March 1, 2004.
Information and RFPs for K-12 and higher education are available at:

Technology for Teaching


--Mental Health Problems

This blog article considers the dramatic increase in student mental health problems over the last thirteen years:

Science Blog

--"Myths and Facts about Suicide"

This is a Web page from Brown University:

Myths and Facts

Service Learning

--Service Learning and Faculty Development

This site is interesting as model program in service learning.

Service Learning and Faculty Development

--Civic Practices Network

Read the mission statement:

Civic Practices Network (CPN) is a collaborative and nonpartisan project bringing together a diverse array of organizations and perspectives within the civic renewal movement. We share a commitment to bring practical methods for public problem solving into every community and institutional setting in America. We assume the responsibility of telling our stories, so that all citizens may have the opportunity to learn from what others are doing to renew their communities. And we have a common faith that we can revitalize our democracy to tackle the complex problems of the 21st century if we can broadly exchange and continually refine the civic wisdom of what works and what empowers citizens to work together."

Interested? Check it out at:

Civic Practices Network

--Engaging Communities and Campuses

This site provides a conceptual framework for service learning.

Engaging Communities and Campuses


--Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology

See the article:

Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology

The Blog Grab Bag

--Next Wave

--Next Wave is a weekly online publication that covers scientific training, career development, and the science job market. The Next Wave is published by SCIENCE magazine and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Next Wave

--Astronomy: Observing the Sky

This NASA-funded "skyblog" covers astronomical events and observations, NASA discoveries and spacecraft, and other topics related to astronomy. Includes image galleries and a topical index. Searchable, too.

Observing the Sky

--Vision Connection

This is " an interactive global Internet portal for people who are partially sighted or blind," their families, friends, and related professionals. It features "the latest
information on vision impairment, its prevention, and vision rehabilitation" including articles, statistics, a bibliography of "low vision" literature, links to related
sites, downloads, and a glossary."

Vision Connection

--Cultural Diversity: The Lannan Foundation

This foundation is "dedicated to cultural freedom, diversity and creativity through projects which support exceptional contemporary artists and writers, as well as inspired Native activists in rural indigenous communities." The audio archives contain over 65 audio programs that feature thinkers who have participated in the "Readings & Conversations" and "Bookworm" series. The site also includes information about grant programs in literature, visual art, cultural preservation, and social justice. "

The Lannan Foundation

--Geography: Places Online

Sponsored by the Association of American Geographers, this site "provides access to the World's very best place-based Web sites."

Places Online

--Journalism and Current Affairs: The Center for Public Integrity

The mission of the Center for Public Integrity is to "provide the American people with the findings of our investigations and analyses of public service, government accountability and ethics related issues."

The current issue: "U.S. Contractors Reap the Windfalls of Postwar Reconstruction."

Center for Public Integrity

--Arab Culture and Civilization

Here is what the introduction to the site has to say:

"The National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education has developed this site, with funds from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, as a resource for all who would develop a better understanding of the Arab world. While our principal audience is the students, faculty, staff and alumni of the liberal arts colleges served by NITLE, the site is open to all visitors."

Visit the site:

Arab Culture and Civilization

-- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Professional Groups

This site provides a listing, as well as links.

GLBT Professional Groups

--New Journal: The Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education.

Here is the excerpt from promotional literature for the journal:

"The mission of the Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education is to publish research studies, scholarly papers, and practitioner-oriented essays directly related to educational policy, professional practice curriculum development, and pedagogy. Studies, papers, and essays appearing in this international peer-reviewed journal meet the highest academic standards and reflect conceptually clear and concise writing devoid of jargon. Contributors to this journal understand their task as two-fold: disseminate findings/ideas to an intellectually-minded community; draw implications for these findings/ideas to educational policy and practice. "

The journal is accepting article submissions for publication. To read more:

The Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education

--Online Bibliography: The Men's Bibliography

This is a comprehensive bibliography of writing on men, masculinities, gender, and sexualities (online, 11th edition, 2003 ). Search feature available.

The Men's Bibliography.

--Model Minority: A Guide to Asian American Empowerment

This is a Web site devoted to the Asian American experience. Recommend it to your students.

Model Minority

--The Joy of Soup

With the chilly weather the last few days, I could not resist including this one! Soup recipes galore:

The Joy of Soup

Until next week!

Blog editor

Image credits:


Faculty Development News This Week:


--"The New Basics: What Students Need to Know" (second notice)

November 14-15, 2003 , Radisson South Hotel and Plaza Towers,Bloomington, Minnesota

The conference will feature pre-conference workshops and other sessions on:

.humor in the classroom,
.electronic portfolios for assessment,
·cooperative learning,
·grant writing
·using teams to assist learning in the classroom,
·improving student writing,
·visual thinking,
·technology, and more.

The complete conference brochure and registration forms are online at The New Basics.

--"Creating Campus Climates for Learning" (second notice)

November 8, 10 am- 4 pm, College Center, Mesabi Range Community & Technical College, Virginia, MN

Note: Registration deadline: November 4.

This event is free for all state college and university faculty,staff, and students. Register online atCTL/MNSCU.

Learning Communities

Learn about an alternative pedagogy using the arts. This article is from the League for Innovation.

Ritual Poetic Drama.

--College Writing

In April, the National Commission on Writing issued a report calling for increased emphasis on writing in schools and colleges. The Neglected R: The Need for a Writing Revolution put forth a four-part strategy to improve writing in America, including submission each July of a report to Congress. Read the report:The Neglected R. This is a 44- page PDF file.

-Books/ Articles of Interest


--Practical Magic: On the Front Lines of Teaching Excellence, written by John E. Roueche, Mark D. Milliron, and Suanne D. Roueche (American Association of Community Colleges, 2003)ISBN: 0-87117-335-2

Here is the press release for the book:

What constitutes excellent teaching? To answer this question, these noted experts went straight to the thousands of teachers who have been recognized for excellence-recipients of teaching excellence awards-and asked them. Their answers, which the authors have put into context with history and research, make for a book that is as inspiring as it is informative, shedding new light on both the definable and the simply magical components of good teaching.

-- Book Search at

Online book seller Amazon is now offering the
ability to search the entire contents of 120,000 books -- or 33 million pages.

How do you do this?

Log on to Amazon. Do a search. REMEMBER: you are searching 33 MILLION PAGES, so the more refined your key search term, the better. To access pages, you will need to establish an Amazon account, which is free.

Searches are far from perfect; however, this is a neat Web amenity!


--College Classes for Critical Thinking

Is there intellectual reflection in your college classes? Read the article: Rethinking Thinking


"Diversity and Higher Education: Theory and Impact on Educational
, authors Gurin, P., Dey, E., Hurtado, S., and Gurin, G.

This article is from the Harvard Educational Review and is available in text-only or a PDF file (32 pages). Read the article:
Diversity and Higher Education

--"Enacting Diverse Learning Environments"

What is the key to maximizing diverse learning environments? Read the article:
Enacting Diverse Learning Environments

--Diversity Web

Diversity Web is an "interactive resource hub for higher education." Along with a number of resources, this site also publishes Diversity Digest, a periodical published by the Association of American Colleges and Universities to provide campus practitioners with information about successful diversity initiatives around the country.

Visit the Web site:
Diversity Web.

Technology in the Classroom

--Hand-held and Mobile Technologies in Higher Education

Did you know PDA's,small, computer-like notepads that store data such as phone numbers, addresses, lists and calendars, are becoming as popular as cell phones among students? What place do PDA's have in education? Find out by reading the article Handhelds and Mobile Technologies

--The Wireless Campus

Are you ready?

Read the article: The Wireless Campus.

--Pedagogical Advantages of the Wireless Classroom

Essentially, handheld, mobile devices transform any space into a computer lab. Read all about it:

Pedagogical Advantages.

--Online Learning in the United States

A recent study conducted by the Sloan Consortium found that educators nationwide are confident about the future of online education.

Read the report: A Survey of Online Learning.

New Campus Organizations

--Inver Hills Book Club (IHBC)

The IHBC will meet in B 202 on November 10th at 2:10 pm to discuss this month's book, Archangel Protocol by Lyda Morehouse. Lyda will also be present to sign books, answer questions, and discuss her book with the club. See book cover below.

If you have questions about the IHBC, contact Cindy Leslie, the faculty sponsor for this group.

Thanks, Cindy, for enriching our campus!


--Gay-Straight Alliance

The first meeting of the Inver Hills Gay-Straight Alliance is this Thursday, November 6, 12-15-1:15 pm, Conference Room A, Student Center. Students, faculty, and staff are welcome. Inquiries should be addressed to Colette Wanless-Sobel or Joyce Kammeraad, the faculty sponsors for this campus group.

The Blog Grab Bag

--Electronic Journal Miner

Want to locate an online journal? Well, this site is for you. Online Journal Miner has the ability to search through hundreds of electronic journal titles by keyword to find journals devoted to your topic. Note: Online Journal Miner does not search the contents of the journals.

Electronic Journal Miner.

--Geography and Environment Gateway

This interesting site includes a core database of high-quality Internet resources for geography and environmental studies. Browsable and searchable, it also links to databases (both free and subscription), reference sources, timelines, career information, and training materials.

Visit the site: GEsource.
Note: Scroll down the page to access the site.

--Open Video Project

Searchable, and browsable by genre, duration, color or B&W, sound or silent, this site includes historical clips, lectures, documentaries (lots of NASA material, hurricane footage, wetlands regained, earthquake footage, etc.), and more. The Open Video Project is managed at the Interaction Design Laboratory at the School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Neat stuff here.

Open Video Project.

--Words Without Borders

This site aims to "promote international communication through translation of the world's best writing -- selected and translated by a distinguished group of writers, translators, and publishing professionals -- and publishing and promoting these works (or excerpts) on the web." Currently featuring literature from Iraq.

Visit the site: Words Without Borders.

--Career Voyages

Offered by the Department of Labor and the Department of Education, this site's purpose is to link the educational community with the world of work. This is a great resource for our students.

Career Voyages

--Font Identification

Do you need to identify a font? This site, Identifont can help you out by
allowing you to look up a font by keyword, or identify a font by
answering a series of questions.


--Dia de los Muertos

Nobel laureate Octavio Paz said, "The Mexican is familiar with death, jokes about it, caresses it, sleeps with it, celebrates it; it is one of his toys and his most steadfast love."

Celebrate life:Day of the Dead.

--Introduction to Probabliity

This site provides an entire, 500+ page textbook on probability. Designed by Dartmouth College for use in a one-semester college course, this is an" introductory" text to probability, although it is definitely not Probability for Dummies!

Introduction to Probability.

--Critical Thinking on the Web

This site hails from the University of Melbourne, Australia and is full of applicable classroom material.

Critical Thinking on the Web.

--Club for Cynics

Not exactly thinking in the Pollyanna mode these days? Well, American Cynic might just be the site for you.

Here is what the site HOMEPAGE has to say about American Cynic:

The Cynic is a weekly, e-mailed distribution list sending interesting information and thought-provoking stories to intelligent, discerning readers at large. We feel that being a little bit cynical is an essential characteristic for a healthy perspective on modern life. We focus on the historical, social, political, and scientific arenas. We'll discuss the media, technology, and current events. The Cynic has been called a "thinking person's Paul Harvey", and "a riot for the sane mind". The weekly newsletter is readable in about 3 to 4 minutes. It's not an intellectual boulder that you have to lug around all day! Our readers really like the Cynic, too. In fact, a subscriber survey found that 93% of readers are "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with the Cynic; and 82% read it faithfully each and every week.


American Cynic.

--Today in Literature

This site is a calendar of engaging stories about great books, writers, and events in literary history. Free newsletter available.

Today in Literature.

Until next week!

Blog editor

**Image Credits: