ruminators' ilk

faculty development, educational technologies, intellectual curieux, info provocations


Faculty Development News This Week:

Faculty Development at Inver Hills

--Salon: "Revival and Family Nationalism"

Dr. Richard Nelson, history, is the facilitator-speaker for the next Inver Hills Community College Salon, Wednesday, 19 November, 4-6 PM, Heritage Hall 203.

Read Richard's abstract:

Families and nations, the classical Greek dramatists insisted, are entwined with ambition and war. Modern families continue to be entwined with economic ambition, nationalist aspirations and war. Perhaps, therefore, family values is the place to reflect on the sources of those revolutionary political and religious movements which promise to transform the world.

I will explore this possibility by looking at the Civil War and Reconstruction as a form of family national revival. To do so, I will consider a first family of the early republic, The Thomas family of Portland, Maine. Not only did the father wed capitalism with religion in the great awakening associated with Jacksonian Democracy, but his sons added nationalism to a great revival movement that began in the 1850s and led to Civil War, then spread over the whole country afterwards. One son, Henry, led black soldiers and worked in the Freedman's Bureau to build a new black peasant society of virtuous citizen farmers. At the same time, his brother, William, initiated a scheme to create a northern kingdom of Swedes from Maine and Southern Canada to the Pacific Ocean. Not only were they motivated by family duty and honor to square wealth with public service, but they believed they could create a rebirth of national identity by northern and southern versions of Reconstruction around family ideals. The defeat of both dreams by World War I marked the waning of the great family national revival of 1850-1917. Racism and fear of foreign influences and people filled the vacuum left by disappointed dreams of national revitalization.

Does the 19th century pattern of family national revivalism persist today? Is the Kennedy era of Camelot, the Reagan Revolution and the younger Bush administration a single family national revival movement? Is it waxing or waning? What can we expect from either case?

This salon is sponsored by the Inver Hills Faculty Development Committee

--Faculty Roundtable:" Stress and How to Manage Yours"

Dr. Kathleen DeDeyn is the speaker for the next Faculty Roundtable, Tuesday, November 18, 12:00-1:00 PM, Conference Room B, Student Center. A light luncheon will be served, so RSVP by clicking on Comment below.

The Faculty Roundtable is sponsored by Shannon Marting, Active Learning Advocate, and Colette Wanless-Sobel, CTL Liaison. Funds are provided by CTL/MNSCU.


--Motivating Today's Students

This is an article from ERIC, Educational Resources Information Center.

Motivating Today's Students

--Teaching in the Twenty-First Century

This article from The Gazette,the newspaper of Johns Hopkins University, considers teaching for today's student demographic.

Teaching in the Brave New World

--Active Learning

This article looks at student resistance to active learning.

Do Students Want to Be Active?

--Experiential Learning

This article discusses the pluses and minuses of experiential learning.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Using Experiential Learning in the Classroom

--Learning-Centered Paradigms

This article discusses the support faculty need to achieve learning-centered classrooms.

Read the article:

Providing Support for Faculty Who Wish to Shift to a Learning-Centered Paradigm

--Promoting Critical Thinking

This article provides a rubric for designing assignments and course curricula to promote critical thinking.

Essential Elements of Lessons Designed to Promote Critical Thinking

--Critical Pedagogy

What is critical pedagogy?

"Critical pedagogy takes as a central concern the issue of power in the teaching and learning context. It focuses on how and in whose interests knowledge is produced and 'passed on' and view the ideal aims of education as emancipatory."

Critical Pedagogy

--Active Learning and Adult Students

This article is from the Web site The Center for Adult Learning and Educational Credentials, American Council on Education.

Innovations...Active Learning and the Adult Student

--Teaching Reasoning

This site features resources to promote the teaching of reasoning, critical thinking, and problem solving across the curriculum

...Teaching Reasoning

-- Book: Teaching and Learning in College

Teaching and Learning in College: A Resource for Educators,4th edition, Gary S. Wheeler, editor (2002); 199 pages; $39.95

Read the review on this book:

Teaching and Learning in College: A Resource for Educators

--Journal: Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and of Learning

The purpose of the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL) "is to develop an electronic community of those interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning."

Read more about JoSoTL:

The Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Distance Education and the Internet

-Online Collaborative Learning

"This is a web site devoted to world's best practice in online collaborative learning in higher education, and related topics: here you'll find links to online articles, books, journals, and other relevant information. We hope that the information provided here will be of use to researchers and practitioners working in this area." this site is sponsored by Central Queensland University, Australia.

Online Collaborative Learning in Higher Education

--Blended Learning Models

"The term blended learning is used to describe a solution that combines several different delivery methods, such as collaboration software, Web-based courses, EPSS, and knowledge management practices. Blended learning also is used to describe learning that mixes various event-based activities, including face-to-face classrooms, live e-learning, and self-paced learning. Unfortunately, there's no single formula that guarantees learning..." Here are some guidelines on how to choreograph your learning activities.

Blended Learning

--On Ramp

This site includes links to valuable information databases, articles, and resources in the education, distance learning, and the Internet. Highly recommended.

On Ramp: Social

--e-Learning Guild

Here is what the Web site says about this organization:

"The eLearning Guild is a Community of Practice for designers, developers, and managers of e-Learning. Through this member driven community we provide high-quality learning opportunities, networking services, resources, and publications. Community members represent a diverse group of instructional designers, content developers, web developers, project managers, contractors, consultants, and managers and directors of training and learning services who work in corporate, government, and academic organizations. All members share a common interest in e-Learning design, development, and management."

Interested? To find out more, click on The Learning Guild

--E-Learning Guru

Here is this site's motto:

"Life is short. Have fun, learn, and have fun helping others learn."

Intrigued? Visit the site.

The E-Learning Guru


--"Creativity in Science and Engineering"

Although this article focuses on creativity in science and engineering, it is applicable to all disciplines. Here is what the author says about his purpose:

"The purposes of this essay are to (1) quickly examine some of the personality traits that are associated with unusual creativity and innovation and (2) to criticize management and educational techniques that penalize or discourage creativity. The way to increase the productivity of creative people is simple: give them resources ...and stand out of their way!"

Creativity in Science and Engineering

--"Creative Conversations...."

This article considers the cultural and organizational contexts of creativity, along with the characteristics that comprise a creative individual or institution. Useful article, despite emphasis on economic necessity of creativity.

Virtual Value: Conversation, Ideas, and the Creative Economy This is a 28-page PDF file.

--"Welcome to the Ideaopolis

How to build intellectual capital. Again, although this article speaks from an economic development perspective, this time for urban communities, it is an interesting discussion on building creative and dynamic communities of all kinds.

Ideopolis This is a 42-page PDF file.

Technology and Community

--The Gurten Knowledge Letter

"The Gurten Knowledge-Letter is a free knowledge management newsletter to help you better manage your knowledge and to stimulate thought and interest in subjects such as Knowledge Management, Learning, Creativity and the effective use of Internet technology. " Free online subscription.

Gurten Knowledge Letter

--Cyber Community-Building

"Communities in Cyberspace is devoted to exploring new forms of social organization and the changing concepts of community as social groups develop within computer networks. Contributors examine changes in the nature of personal identity, social organization and the connections between real-world communities and their extensions in cyberspace."

Visit the site:
Communities in Cyberspace

The Blog Grab Bag

--Gender and Sexuality

This online journal publishes texts which address gender studies and queer studies, with a particular focus upon discussions of sex, gender, sexual identity and sexuality in cultural practices.

Gender and Sexuality

--Combating Heterosexism and Homophobia in the Classroom

For a perspective on how to achieve sexual diversity and sexual orientation equality in the classroom, read the article:

Overcoming Heterosexism and Homophobia.

--Edsitement Humanities Site

Sponsored by the National endowment for the Humanities, this site is a rich resource
for the humanities.


--National Library of Education

United States federal government's resource center for education information.
Searchable archives.

National Library of Education

--National Academic Advising Association

This site focuses on advising as an integral part of the academic experience. Publications are not available online, but keyword searches will provide some theoretical and methodological approaches.

National Academic Advising

--Art on the Web

This site offers art history links, 19th and 20th centuries. Searchable.

19th and 20th Century Art Links

--Case Studies for Business

This is a free educational resource for students, teachers and lecturers of business studies. The Times 100 brings business studies theory to life with case studies on real companies, written by leading business studies textbook authors and linked to all exam specifications. Click here for more information about The Times 100.

Times 100

--World Economic Forum

"The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world. The Forum provides a collaborative framework for the world's leaders to address global issues,engaging particularly its corporate members in global citizenship." Pro-business in orientation.

World Economic Forum

--Historical Research

This site provides guidelines on how to conduct historical research.

Doing History: A Guide to Historical Research

--ESL Resource

ESL comprehension Web site. Offers special features such as a sound effects library.

Randall's ESL Cyber- Listening Lab

Until next week!

Blog editor


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