Faculty Development News This Week:
Faculty Development at Inver Hills
--Faculty Roundtable
Are you seeing more student behaviors that are interfering in how well your classroom climate is working for you and your students? This roundtable will begin a discussion about how we can effectively build a classroom framework that is respectful to students and to ourselves.
You are invited to a Faculty Roundtable:
Classroom Civility: Using Your Syllabus to Create a Positive Classroom Climate
Wednesday December 10, 2:00 p.m.
Conference Room B
Panel participants:
Anthony Collins
Judy DeBoer
Connie Manos-Andrea
Barbara Read
Kathy Schur
In the tradition of a French salon, you and a guest are invited to engage in discussion with Ed Juers,retired IHCC sociology and criminal justice instructor, who will speak on "Power and Self-Interest in Politics."
Thursday, December 18, 4-6 p.m.
LOCATION: Wells Lanes Eatery and Pub, 365 Concord Street N.,
South Saint Paul (please note the location change).
This event is sponsored by the Faculty Development Committee.
--CTL/MNSCU Grant Applications
Do you have an interesting teaching / learning project in mind? Well, read on.
The Center for Teaching and Learning in the Office of the Chancellor offers opportunities for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities faculty and staff to apply for funds to enhance teaching and learning on system campuses.
The CTL Grants are available through the Learning That Lasts program with support from The Bush Foundation and the Office of the Chancellor. Applicants may choose to apply electronically or via the mail.
Proposals are due by January 22, 2004, for projects beginning in July 2004.
Proposal guidelines for CLT Grants available online at CTL GRANTS or by calling 651-649-5740.
This is the second notice for this grant opportunity.
Educational Games/Design
Maya Personal Learning Edition 5 (TM) software is now available for free download from www.alias.com/mayaple. Maya Personal Learning Edition 5 offers almost every feature found in the full commercial version of Maya Complete(TM) 5 including an industry-leading set of modeling, animation, rendering and effects tools.
Check it out:
--Video Game Research
This is an international journal of game research. Here is what the journal's Homepage says:
"Game Studies is a crossdisciplinary journal dedicated to games research, web-published several times a year at www.gamestudies.org. Our primary focus is aesthetic, cultural and communicative aspects of computer games. Our mission - To explore the rich cultural genre of games; to give scholars a peer-reviewed forum for their ideas and theories; to provide an academic channel for the ongoing discussions on games and gaming."
Game Studies
--Icon Design
Learn about the "rhetoric of icons".
Icon Design
--Icon Museum
ICONography is an independently curated exhibition exploring the computer icon (desktop or other) as "a defining element of the entire construction of computational culture, and one that resonates strongly with the place of the computer icon in the syntax of world history."
ICONography is "curated" by Patrick Lichty, independent artist, writer and curator, and is hosted by Turbulence.org.
--How to Combat Plagiarism
The New Plagiarism
--Hispanic College Fund
Read the mission statement:
"The Hispanic College Fund, Inc. (HCF) is a private non-profit organization founded in 1993 to develop the next generation of Hispanic business leaders in America by awarding scholarships to deserving Hispanic students. HCF accomplishes its mission by securing the funds needed to award financial assistance to students seeking to afford a higher education in academic disciplines leading to careers in business."
Hispanic College Fund
--Millennials: The Next Generation
This article appeared in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
--Managing Millennials
This article is an excerpt from Connecting Generations: The Sourcebook by Claire Raines.
Managing Millennials
--Microsoft Word as a Teaching Resource
"Word 2003 offers customizable features that support the steps of the writing process: prewriting, composition, revision, and publication. Word 2003 also contains tools that enable the collection and assimilation of research data into your students' writing."
On request, Adam Colwell, tech services, can load Word 2003 on your computer.
Teaching the Writing Process with Microsoft Word 2003
--Microsoft Instructor Resources
There is a section for college teaching.
21st Century Tools for Teaching and Learning
Learning Objectives
This is Bloom's taxonomy as a rubric for learning objectives.
Bloom's Taxonomy
--Education for the 21st Century
Interesting article on education trends.
Educating the 21st Century Citizen
--Research and Creative Activity
This is a special issue on the scholarship of teaching.
Research and Creative Activity
--Looking for Insight into Teaching
How to apply cognitive theory in student self- analysis papers.
Looking for Insight into Teaching
--The Scholarship of Teaching
This article provides an overview on the scholarship of teaching.
The Scholarship of Teaching
--Humor in the Classroom
Laughter in the classroom for stress relief and mood creation.
For more ideas:
Laughter Therapy
Blog Grab Bag
--PowerPoint: The Pros
Why PowerPoint is a good thing in the classroom.
Learning to Love PowerPoint
--Society for the Return to Academic Standards
Here is the mission statement for this Web society:
"Provide information and support for a return to academic standards in higher education. The widespread use of the student evaluation of teaching (SET) data as a control device has caused grade inflation and course work devaluation. SFRTAS encourages research on faculty pander pollution, dysfunctional aspects of SETs, misuse of SET data by administrators, dishonesty of students on SETs, invalidity of SET information, denial of due process from use of SET, defamation, impression management, post-tenure reviews, disappearing tenure, and reasons for grade inflation. "
Interested? Then check out:
Return to Academic Standards
--Incorporated Subversion
This is an education weblog.
Incorporated Subversion
--Using Blogs in Education
Weblogg Ed
--Ed Blogger Praxis
Find examples of education blogs.
Ed Blog Praxis
--Blogs in Education
This is a spatially organized chart of the ways blogs can be used in education.
Some Uses of Blogs in Education
--Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Education (IMEJ)
Read about IMEJ:
"IMEJ is a prototype for an interactive multimedia electronic journal edited and produced at Wake Forest University. The goals of IMEJ are to provide a peer-reviewed forum for innovations in computer-enhanced learning, to serve as a model and testbed for an electronic journal with a high level of multimedia and interactivity, and to advance the acceptance of electronic publication as a legitimate and valuable form of academic discourse. "
Interactive...Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning
--The Morphing of the American Academic Profession
This article offers an assessment of the restructuring of academic employment in the United States.
The Morphing of the American Academic Profession
--The War on Higher Education
This is article by Stanley Fish appeared in the November26, 2003 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education.
The War on Higher Education
--Teaching and Learning on the Web
This site offers 796 examples of online instruction.
"JUST HOW CAN THE WEB be used for something more than surfing, chatting, making money, or idly wasting time? Can it provide an environment for learning? We found that people learn well from examples, so we created for our faculty this collection of the ways the web was being used in different disciplines. "
Visit the site:
Teaching and Learning on the Web
--ProjectCool Media
Offers free tutorials on Web design.
ProjectCool Media
--Blue Web
Award winning educational sites in all subject areas. Updated weekly.
Blue Web
--Literary Resources
This is a comprehensive collection of Web sites devoted to literature and the humanities.
Literary Resources on the Net
--Web Teaching Guide Bibliography
This page contains a Web teaching bibliography linked to Amazon.com for book purchase and/or a Web version of the reference where available. The bibliography is organized by subject.
Web Teaching Guide
--Transforming e- Knowledge
This book is "a manifesto on e-knowledge" published by Society for College and University Planning (SCUP). The entire book is available online.
Read this passage from the Foreword:
We cannot predict the future, but we do sense that we have the power to shape it. So we need to take time to reflect: on what those possible futures are, which are the more desirable, and what it takes to realize them. The authors of this book set out to help us with that process. On every page you will find them striving to express the ways in which e-systems can be exploited, the benefits they could yield, and what we all, individuals and organizations together, must now do.
Transforming Knowledge
--Web Portals and Higher Education
This is an entire book on Web portals, and it is available online for free from EDUCAUSE.
Web Portals and Higher Education
--The future of books in the digital age
Umberto Eco, the Italian novelist and scholar, gave this speech in Alexandra, Egypt on November 1, 2003. The speech appears in Al-Ahram, a Cairo weekly journal, the 20-26 November issue.
Vegetal and Mineral Memory: The Future of Books
Until next week.
Blog editor
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