ruminators' ilk

faculty development, educational technologies, intellectual curieux, info provocations


Faculty Development News This Week:

Online / Distance Learning

--Burgeoning Interest in Online Instruction

This article appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education, 19 December 2003.

...When Online Enrollment Soars

Conferences / Programs

--"Teaching for Wisdom: Achieving Higher Order Thinking in Our Graduates"

Radisson Hotel South, Bloomington, MN

"Join your colleagues for a teaching and learning conference on "Teaching for Wisdom." Preconference topics include assessment, designing a core curriculum, electronic portfolios, senior faculty and the intersection of indigenous culture and modern technology. Featured speakers include Tom Balistrieri (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), founder of Passage, a revolutionary multicultural program that assists students in the transition from youth to adulthood, and John Zubizaretta (Columbia College), author of The Learning Portfolio: Reflective Practice for Improving Student Learning, (Anker Publishing, fall 2003)."

For further information, clcik here on

This is the second notice for this conference.

--Assessment Program

"Make strides toward "Creating a Culture of Assessment" on your campus! The Collaboration offers two great new programs to strengthen your campus assessment initiatives: a February preconference session and the 2004 Summer Institute."

"The participants in The Collaboration's new Regional Colloquium on Assessment have identified this topic as a priority for Collaboration campuses. With accrediting agencies and granting organizations placing far greater emphasis on learning outcomes than ever before, many campuses are looking at assessment with a new sense of urgency. Colloquium participants will lead a preconference session on February 19th offering tools, strategies, and examples from their campuses. The session provides a great opportunity to begin framing a team proposal for The Collaboration’s 2004 Summer Institute. This intensive residential program, held on the St. Olaf College campus from June 6 –9, offers plenary sessions and individualized consulting to help campuses develop important change initiatives in record time."

"The Collaboration invites short proposals (2-3 pages) for its 15th annual Summer Institute from teams of four or more faculty, staff, administrators, and students wishing to develop campus projects focused on the theme of "Creating a Culture of Assessment." The institute will be held from June 6-9 on the campus of St. Olaf College...."

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