Faculty Development News This Week:
Active Learning
--Case Study Methodology
"It is now documented that students can learn more effectively when actively involved in the learning process (Bonwell and Eison, 1991; Sivan et al, 2001). The case study approach is one way in which such active learning strategies can be implemented in our institutions. There are a number of definitions for the term case study. For example, Fry et al (1999) describe case studies as complex examples which give an insight into the context of a problem as well as illustrating the main point. We define our case studies as student centered activities based on topics that demonstrate theoretical concepts in an applied setting. This definition of a case study covers the variety of different teaching structures we use, ranging from short individual case studies to longer group-based activities. Examples of different styles of case studies are given at the end of this guide."
Case Study Methodology
--"Strategies for Teaching Critical Thinking"
This article is from the ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation, Washington DC. (1994).
"Strategies for Teaching Critical Thinking"
--Learning Materials in a Problem-Based Course
Here is a list of the principle aims of this site:
"To integrate knowledge and skills from a range of multidisciplinary modules
To acquire knowledge through self-study
To teach students how to work in groups and manage group projects
To improve and develop transferable skills of students
To develop problem solving skills of students
To encourage self-motivation, curiosity and thinking
And finally, to make learning fun!"
Problem-Based Learning
This site offers resources for constructivist pedagogy.
--Introduction to Teaching Strategies
Thirty different teaching strategies are available here for download.
Introduction to Teaching Strategies
--"The Case for Holistic Learning"
This article is from Changemagazine,28 February 2003.
"The Case for Holistic Learning
--"Academic Rigor in the Open-Door College"
This article is from Innovation Abstracts,30 August 2002.
Academic Rigor in the Open-Door College
--"How to Give a Talk"
This article addresses how to be an effective academic speaker.
"How to Give a Talk"
--"Education Department Will Accept Electronic Signatures for Release of Students' Documents"
This article is from the 22 April 2004 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education.
"Electric Signatures"
Academic Culture
--"A Culture for Academic Excellence"
"In the context of higher education, striving for high quality is not a new strategy. Institutions have always held academic excellence and high quality as the highest goals. Achieving these goals was easier in a time of abundant resources and favorable demographics. The environment has changed. Institutions are facing decreasing enrollments and revenues while costs and competition for students are increasing."
"A Culture for Academic Excellence
--"Academic Culture and the Development of Professional Identity in the Professoriate"
This article is an 8-page PDF file.
Academic Culture
Service Learning
--Online Political Collaboration
Click on the microphone to access the audio file.
Online Political Collaboration
--"Creating a Personal and Political Culture of Engagement in Higher Education"
This article is from the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota.
Creating a Personal and Political Culture of Engagement in Higher Education
This is an 11-page PDF file.
--Center for Democracy and Citizenship
"Here you will find democracy. In both theory and practice. The work of the Center for Democracy and Citizenship began in 1989 and draws on a rich heritage of people and institutions doing public work to achieve things of lasting importance. As a part of the University of Minnesota, the Center for Democracy and Citizenship draws on the very best principles of academic excellence and scholarship."
Center for Democracy and Citizenship
--"The Humanities and the Public Soul"
This article is from the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota.
The Humanities and the Public Soul
This is a 15-page PDF file.
--The Democracy Collaborative
The Democracy Collaborative" undertakes integrated activities aimed at leveraging the resources of higher education institutions in support of democratic renewal, civic participation, and community building."
The Democracy Collaborative
--The Civic Mission of Schools
"Written and endorsed by a distinguished and diverse group of more than 50 scholars and practitioners, The Civic Mission of Schools summarizes the evidence in favor of civic education...; analyzes trends in political and civic engagement; identifies promising approaches to civic education; and offers recommendations to educators, policymakers, funders, researchers, and others."
The Civic Mission of Schools
--The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE)
"Since 2001, CIRCLE has conducted, collected, and funded research on the civic and political participation of young Americans. CIRCLE is based in the University of Maryland's School of Public Affairs and is funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts and Carnegie Corporation of New York."
--The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning
"The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL) is a national, peer-reviewed journal consisting of articles written by faculty and service-learning educators on research, theory, pedagogy, and issues pertinent to the service-learning community."
The Michigan Journal of Community Service L:earning
--"Duke University Cuts Out 8:00 AM Classes"
This article is from CNN.com, 19 April 2004.
Duke University Cuts Out 8:00 AM Classes
--Lessons That Last: The Teachers Students Remember
This is a video from MNSCU / CTL. To view it, see Shannon Marting, Active Learning Coordinator, Heritage Hall 303.
--"Student Motivation, School Culture, and Academic Achievement"
This article is a publication of the ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management, February 1992.
Student Motivation
This is a 28-page PDF file.
Online Learning
--Online Role Playing
Click on the microphone to access the audio file.
Online Role Playing
--Online Activity Formats
This site offers " comprehensive strategy for integrating the incredible power of the Internet with student learning. The strategy was first developed by Tom March in the summer of 1996 and developed since."
http://www.web-and-flow.com/help/formats.html">Online Activity Formats
Blog Grab Bag
--Native American Web Sites
This is a rich resource on American Indian history and culture.
Native American Web Sites
--SWITCH: Interface Software as Cultural Production
SWITCHis "the new media art journal of the CADRE Laboratory for New Media of the School of Art and Design at San Jose State University. It has been published on the Web since 1995. We are interested in fostering a critical viewpoint on issues and developments in the multiple crossovers between art and technology. Our main focus in on questioning and analyzing as well as reporting and discussing these new art forms as they develop, in hopes of encouraging dialogue and possible collaboration with others who are working and considering similar issues."
--Open Office Org.
What is Open Office.org? Read the mission statement:
"To create, as a community, the leading international office suite that will run on all major platforms and provide access to all functionality and data through open-component based APIs and an XML-based file format."
"Drupal is an open-source platform and content management system for building dynamic web sites offering a broad range of features and services including user administration, publishing workflow, discussion capabilities, news aggregation, metadata functionalities using controlled vocabularies and XML publishing for content sharing purposes. Equipped with a powerful blend of features and configurability, Drupal can support a diverse range of web projects ranging from personal weblogs to large community-driven sites."
Read the mission statement for this journal.
"As Georgetown University's peer-reviewed journal of Communication, Culture and Technology (CCT), gnovis strives to foster innovative research and design, reward scholarly excellence, and celebrate the exploration and understanding of technology as it both shapes and is shaped by political, economic, social, and cultural actors and institutions. gnovis seeks to place disciplinary paradigms into dialogue with each other, illuminating the clarity and contradictions therein and the manner in which they are codified into our social fabric. "
--Association of Internet Researchers
"The Association of Internet Researchers is an academic association dedicated to the advancement of the cross-disciplinary field of Internet studies. It is a resource and support network promoting critical and scholarly Internet research independent from traditional disciplines and existing across academic borders. The association is international in scope."
Association of Internet Researchers
--Web del Sol
So what is Web del Sol?
"Difficult to explain, unless first conceived in terms of goal and organization. WDS is a collaboration on the part of scores of dedicated, volunteer editors, writers, poets, artists, and staff whose job it is to acquire and frame the finest contemporary literary art and culture available in America and abroad, and to array it in such a manner that it speaks for itself."
Web del Sol
--Test Your Sensitivityy to Disgust
This is a psychology test posted on BBC.com.
Disgust Sensitivity Test
--Create an Online Bulletin Board
This free utility allows you to create an online bulletin board.
Quick Time
Until next week!
Blog editor