ruminators' ilk

faculty development, educational technologies, intellectual curieux, info provocations


Faculty Development News This Week:

I. CTL Conferences: Upcoming and Calls for Proposals

**"Teaching for Wisdom, Achieving Higher Order Thinking in Our Graduates"
February 19-20, 2004, Radisson Hotel South, Bloomington, MN (accepting
). Web site

If you are interested in seeing a brochure, let me know, and I shall post
one to you through campus mail.

**"The New Basics: What Students Need to Know"
November 14-15, 2003, Friday-Saturday
Radisson Hotel South, Bloomington, MN Web site

If you are interested in seeing a brochure for this professional development conference, let me know, and I shall post one to you through campus mail.

**"Integrative Learning: Opportunities to Connect"
Carnegie Foundation, Integrative Learning
Call for Campus Participation:

"Campuses interested in creating new resources, networks, models, and evidence-based arguments to strengthen integrative work are invited to submit a proposal."

Applications must be received by October 10, 2003.

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

Download the brochure (in PDF)

Note: A background paper, "Integrative Learning: Mapping the Terrain" (in PDF), provides pedagogical background for integrative learning and liberal arts education in the twenty-first century.

II. Campus Resources

Rob Harris, Counseling, has graciously offered to be another on-campus resource for E-Folio Minnesota. Rob has conducted E-Folio workshops and also utilized the E-folio as a component of a "Career Development" course. So, if you are thinking of venturing into creating your own electronic portfolio, give Rob a call. Also, if you have not met Rob,who is a new member of the Inver Hills community, stop by Counseling and say hello. Welcome to Inver Hills, Rob!

III. Online Support and Resources

Check out Web Tools for Learning,an online newsletter edited by Graeme Daniel and Kevin Cox, City University of Hong Kong. Subscription is open to everyone, and the cost is free.

To access, click here: Web Tools for Learning.

IV. CTL Articles Online

Here is a thoughtful essay on the challenges facing postsecondary
education, due to the increased need for education beyond high school.

"Multiple pathways and State Policy: Toward Education and Training Beyond
High School"

V. The Blog Grab Bag

The Blog Grab Bag is an interdisciplinary miscellany of interesting print and electronic sources for classroom use and professional development. Please share
any sources you come across with the Blog editor, who will then post them for the Inver Hills community.

*Moral Philosophy

Challenge yourself and your students with "The Moral Sense Test," an online test designed and administered by Professor Marc Hauser. Professor Hauser, an evolutionary psychologist, is Harvard College Professor of Psychology, a professor in neurosciences at Harvard, and Director of the Primate Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory. He is the author of The Evolution of Communication, and Wild Minds: What Animals Think.

Moral Philosophy Test Homepage

Moral Philosophy Test


Doing work in mathematics or quantitative data? Waiting for your spouse or significant other to get home, so he/she can explain a math concept to your children?

Well, check out the internet math magazine Plus.

Plus is an internet magazine that "aims to introduce readers to the beauty and the practical applications of mathematics." Sponsored by Cambridge University, Plus has something for all ages and everyone's mathematical abilities. Subscription is open to anyone interested, and the cost is free.

*Open Source, Cutting Edge

MIT's DSpace is "a groundbreaking digital library system to capture, store, index, preserve, and redistribute the intellectual output of a university's research faculty in digital formats." According to The New York Times, " A number of universities, from the California Institute of Technology to M.I.T., are creating 'institutional repositories' designed to harness their own intellectual output. M.I.T.'s archive, perhaps the most ambitious, is called DSpace(click to access)."

DSpace offers a number of free mailing list subscriptions: "DSpace General Discussion List," "DSpace Announcement List," and "DSpace Technology List."

*Online Writing Assistant

Paradigm is "an interactive, menu-driven, online writer's guide and handbook written in HTML and distributed freely over the WWW. It uses hypertext structure to create a web of links and text frames that you can navigate quickly and easily by clicking your desired choice." Designed by Professor Chuck Guilford, associate professor of English at Boise State University, where he teaches composition, creative writing, and literature, Paradigm is intended for all levels of writers, from inexperienced to advanced.

Click on Paradigm to check it out.

VI. Community College Teaching

The League for Innovation advertises itself as "an international service consortium dedicated to catalyzing the community college movement." The League for Innovation publishes a digital newsletter, League Connections, and subscription is free.

Check out the League:
League for Innovation.

VII. CTL Contact Information

CTL Web site

CTL E-mail

Fax: 651.649.5749

Until next week!

--Blog editor


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